First time I've seen my girls since August 2012!

That's a long time to go without seeing your chickens. You must have had major chicken withdrawal symptoms at some point.

How did your chickens react after not seeing you for such a long time?
That's a long time to go without seeing your chickens. You must have had major chicken withdrawal symptoms at some point.

How did your chickens react after not seeing you for such a long time?
They all still ran up to me, clucking, going mental, trying to take the food I was eating out of my hands lol...
It's sad that I have to leave them again though (moved states last year).
I'm always online looking at ads for chickens that are for sale lol...I go mental without them.
Once my partner and I have our own place we are going to build a chicken coop so I can have chickens
It's just really sad that I'm leaving again after I have surgery... I don't want to leave my birds
I know exactly how you feel. My girls (and the couple boys I had) were my life. When I moved out on my own for the first time, I didn't think I would miss them too much since my parent's farm was less than 5 minutes from where I moved but I hated it! I became obsessed with buying a farm, or at least enough property to get them back.
I know exactly how you feel. My girls (and the couple boys I had) were my life. When I moved out on my own for the first time, I didn't think I would miss them too much since my parent's farm was less than 5 minutes from where I moved but I hated it! I became obsessed with buying a farm, or at least enough property to get them back.

I think my obsession is getting really bad at times, I'm always on here looking at coop designs... It's not helping haha
Good looking silkies. Here't to hoping you find a way to get chickens again.

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