First time worming questions


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Cherryland, CA
Okay, so I have a small urban flock and have owned them for four years, I have never seen a need to worm, so I never had. But I am thinking I should after a rough battle with scaley mites, I figure I might as well be diligent at all parasite fronts... I've already purchased pour on ivermectin, but I've read about doing wazine first to prevent a overload of dead worms, I honestly haven't seen evidence of worms but I know that doesn't mean they don't have them,,, also I'm wondering if I should use valbazen instead of ivermectin? IAny tips? I'm worried about my 4yr old girls this being a shock to their systems... Should I be worried? Dawg53 if you read this I'd really appreciate your input!
I use Valbazen once a year on my flock as a preventive. If the worm load is high enough to cause a blockage then you would see signs of the infestation either by worms or eggs in the poop. If you can't find any signs of worms then the load if any is not great enough to cause a problem. Also, it is less likely that your girls have any if you keep a closed flock and don't free range.

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