First turkey egg or not??


Mar 27, 2016
Today we found this egg in the coop but not sure if it is a turkey egg or a regular chicken egg. Also today was the first time I saw the turkeys mate so if that has any factors as to the egg. The turkeys are 2 broad breasted bronze one hen one male the other one is a broad breasted white hen. They were kept after butchering and are now 7 months old. Egg in question is on the right
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Interesting. I have always heard that BB breeds couldn't breed naturally without the male crushing the female. It does look like a turkey egg. My eastern wild laid tan eggs with tiny brown spots.
If you want to keep and raise off them I would get a standard tom for your hens. Your tom is only going to get bigger and after he matures he might actually kill them. I hope not, but I wouldn't take a chance
Thanks for the info and we were planning on keeping them to breed and I was surprised at how well they handled it despite being their first time mating
That's not a turkey egg. Turkey eggs are off white with various speckling, from none to many.
He may be attempting to breed and it will look like he his but the fertility rate will be very low to ziltch. Because of their physical make-up it is very difficult to get an "actual" breeding. And then there is the fact that they do not stop growing which caused other problems like BantumTurkey mentioned. They do not tend to live very long either. Good luck!
Thank you we were thinking about that and we decided to give it a try and if there is no fertility we might get heritage turkeys. Today I got my first turkey egg

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