Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

I had the recommended amount for the tank in! Just freshwater salt, I guess.....

Okay, so now I'm confused. I had those mollies die, and then I bought two female bettas, and a catfish to go in there. A little Cory catfish. The Cory died after about a week. It had this weird red blotch on it...!?!?! And now one of the female bettas turned up dead. And a Danio that is 2 months old has died. !?!?!?! What am I doing wrong?! Should I take the water in to be tested?! Also, these fish never showed any signs of being sick before upping and dying. :/

On a brighter note, my fantail goldfish are doing AWESOME!!! So happy and healthy!

You could be having one of the bettas murder the other fish. The females can be just as aggressive as the males. Actually, it is NOT recommended to try multiple females together unless you're a very experienced fishkeeper.

Cory catfish should be in groups of 5 as well. Less than that and they get easily stressed and can die. How big is your tank? Are the fantails in this same tank as the other fish are dying in? Because bettas are tropical fish and need much warmer water than goldfish in order to thrive. Goldfish are also huge ammonia producers and need very large tanks and loads of filtration.
The angels are laying!! Looks like DS got them set up in the breeder just in time (moved them three days ago) -here's hoping this time they "get it" and this isn't just another practice run for them. This is only the second time for them that we know about, so it might still take another try or two before they figure out the whole idea.
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You could be having one of the bettas murder the other fish. The females can be just as aggressive as the males. Actually, it is NOT recommended to try multiple females together unless you're a very experienced fishkeeper.

Cory catfish should be in groups of 5 as well. Less than that and they get easily stressed and can die. How big is your tank? Are the fantails in this same tank as the other fish are dying in? Because bettas are tropical fish and need much warmer water than goldfish in order to thrive. Goldfish are also huge ammonia producers and need very large tanks and loads of filtration.
I never thought of that! But she hasn't seemed aggressive. Okay, I won't try that again! I thought Cory's would be okay, oops. It is a 10 gallon with three guppies and the last female betta now. And no, I have three fantails in a 20 gallon tank of their own! Sorry for the confusion.
I never thought of that! But she hasn't seemed aggressive. Okay, I won't try that again! I thought Cory's would be okay, oops. It is a 10 gallon with three guppies and the last female betta now. And no, I have three fantails in a 20 gallon tank of their own! Sorry for the confusion.

Some females are downright nasty. My two all-time most insanely aggressive bettas were both females. One even managed to get through the divider in the tank and nearly killed the male I had on the other side. Not a scale out of place on her!

I would just keep an eye on your remaining betta and see how she goes with the guppies. She may be fine now that the tank is less crowded, but keep a sharp look out for any missing bits of your guppies' fins! Probably best not to add more fish, 10 gallons is pretty small for more species.
So, this "little" guy came to live with us last night

He's a refugee from the High School's Ag/FFA aquaponics project. The time had come to harvest this year's tilapia "crop" and this little guy had come to them as a "temporary" boarder back at the beginning of the year only to never be taken back by his original owner, so they had nothing to do with him after the draining of the tilapia system for the summer (I think they are abandoning it now that DD will not be there next year). I'm a sucker for the big guys that end up without a home that can provide the tank space and care they need, so I couldn't say no. He's just a smidge smaller than DS's 14 inch pleco, lol.

In other news - we have five, yes five, surviving fry from the angel spawn - being the first batch the parents made it to hatch with, I'm not too terribly disappointed with that turnout. They are perfect mini angels, though, and I am hoping we might get one more spawn before fair time since this is one of DS's 4-H projects.
I've got three "inhabited" fish tanks. A ten gallon in my room, that is will be cleaning this weekend, a beautiful vase we converted to a tank for our pretty betta, and our 2 goldfish in their small holding tank because the old one they were in broke a few days ago, we are getting a new one today. :D
My room tank:

Includes: 2 male guppies, 2 tetras, and a big albino Cory.
Goldfish holding tank:

I will post a picture of them in their new tank!
I apologize for the bad pictures this thing just can't take em'!!!!
I have a question. I recently had to put a male betta in with some female guppies due to a tank leakage. He's been there for about 2-3 weeks now. Will he suddenly snap? He shows no aggression at all. He'll be moved back as soon as I get a new tank, which will unfortunately be a few weeks.
Probably not. Betta vary greatly in personality and disposition. I've had males that were extremely docile and females that would slay any male I tried spawning her with.
In general with most fish, if the population density reaches a certain level the aggressive behavior diminishes. I'm not sure which is happening in your situation. Feel fortunate.
*edit* I just noticed you said female guppies. My tired brain read female Bettas. Male guppies only get territorial with certain species of fish. Guppies aren't a problem. You could keep him in there if you want. If any of the females drop fry they are going to be found quickly by the Betta.
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Your betta should be fine with female guppies. In my experience, you don't want to keep male bettas with male guppies too much, depending on their disposition because male guppy finnage is more showy and could make the betta want to compete with him. Also, even though the OP didn't mention female bettas, never keep a male betta with a female betta. He will kill her. :)

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