Fisher Cat in the neighborhood

In my own opinion Fisher Cats are like a stunted Wolverine... and I am keeping an eye out because they live around us andhave not much fear of humans in this area. Try this for retarded "introduction" of a the middle of FARM COUNTRY MINNESOTA the DNR released 2 pair of MOUNTAIN LIONS... oh yeah cause we dont have kids that play outdoors or cwos calving.... there have been several times that local kids out for a swim in the water hole have seen the cats watching them.... Oh dont worry tho, the stat will reimburse you for any livestock lost to the lions... I wonder what they will give me when my kid gets attacked....
We're in the middle of a fisher cat (pine marten) restoration district too, and they're done so well there's hardly a free-range chicken left. So we went with free-run when we got our birds, and I've exceptionally careful to check the run after dawn in case one is in there despite our best efforts. They are surprisingly large, exceptionally clever. If we harmed one the fines are astronomical, as much as harming a hawk, owl, osprey or eagle. So, um, the coop is Fort Knox.
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Lol I have always heard them called Fishers, not Fisher Cats, so I agree it must just be a localized thing...But then again us Mainers have always been alittle different from everyone else

About them being majestic....Lies! They are evil I tells ya!!

They are fairly common in the northeast. Although it is not the correct name most people call them fisher cats in New England I guess kind of like how many people call other animals localized names rather then the correct one.
There are tons of Fisher Cats in Eastern CT. I spotted them 6 or 7 times now, and hear their crys once in awhile.
My neighbor lost a large goose to one 2 weeks ago. He tracked it until finding the parts of the carcass 400 yds from the pen. He ended trapping it in a HH trap. I got to go see it. I couldn't believe how tough it thought it was. He was trying to rip through the side of the wire trap. Super strong animal with one god awful scream.

Why the CT DEP reintroduced them here is beyond me.
Yeah, fisher cats (sorry, I am from NH) are pretty ghastly creatures. We can't have outdoor cats around here because they are wiped out pretty quickly by fishers. At dusk the fisher cats sit on the edges of the woods and scream and grunt and hiss. It's really eerie.

We haven't lost any chickens yet to them, but I figure it is only a matter of time. They are the reason my chicken coop is built like a tank.
I've been having problems with fishers for a few years. They wiped out my ducks and quite a few of my daughter's chickens.
My current problem is a fisher trying to get into my house. After one attack, I kept 4 traumatized hens in my mudroom while they recovered from their wounds. The fisher forced my locked back door open and got into the mudroom. It didn't get the hens, I heard the screams and drove it off with a baseball bat.
The hens have been moved, but the fisher continues to work on my back door. It's chewed through part of the frame. We have my daughter's bunnies and two small dogs in the house.
The fishers have picked off most of the small dogs and cats in my neighborhood. There have been meetings about the fisher problem, but animal control and the DEP don't give a ****.

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