Flat black comb,no waddles. What is her breed?

Wyandotte mixed with silky perhaps? That would make me happy since wyandotte was my first breed. Are silkies the only breed
with blue earlobes? The other chicks in that batch of 13 are silky mixes. No fluffy feathers but bright blue ear lobes on a few and 1 with 5 toes. All those chicks were only a few days old when I got them. They are all white also. Raven was older and the only one not white. Her gold color came in a few weeks ago.
If she's got silkie in her, it's several generations back. No crest, beard, feathered legs or fifth toe. Those traits tend to hang on quite a while.
Thanks for the silky info. I know they are very popular but I know nothing about the fine points of the breed. What ever mix makes up our Raven, she is still sweet and a fantastic member of our flock.I appriciate everyones input and the time taken to look at the pics and respond to my question. As she matures I plan on adding more photos in case her heritage shows up.
I would say she might have Sumatra in her. Sumatras have black skin like Silkies, only four toes, small pea combs that look like almost nothing in the hen, and are a smaller breed. I would guess a cross between Sumatra and maybe something with the BB red pattern? Or something laced? Sumatras lay a tinted egg, but crosses will be intermediate between the parent breeds' shell colors.
Edited to add: Look up 'sumatra hen' on google. I can't get a picture to load on here lol.
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I looked up sumatra and that breed seems to fit. Not all of the standards of course, but enough to say she is a sumatra mix. I like the dark eye standard of the sumatra as Raven has the blackest eyes of all my hens. Shes not happy with the snow and wind we are dealing with right now, but none of the girls are. Hurry up spring!
Her color pattern is Brown Red and I believe that she could be a game fowl (maybe American game fowl) cross.
The game fowl would give her the color pattern, small comb, head size/shape and dark skin color.
I looked up American gamefowl and WOW there is alot of variation in that breed. The first thing I noticed is the long legs on the game fowl. And the small size. Raven is not a tiny hen. Shes just not as big as my wyandottes or orphingtons. She could have gained size and lost leg length due to her cross heritage. And she doesn't carry her tail high either. I hope she matures and gives me an egg soon so I can see if she gets any more color or development in her comb/waddles.
I looked up American gamefowl and WOW there is alot of variation in that breed. The first thing I noticed is the long legs on the game fowl. And the small size. Raven is not a tiny hen. Shes just not as big as my wyandottes or orphingtons. She could have gained size and lost leg length due to her cross heritage. And she doesn't carry her tail high either. I hope she matures and gives me an egg soon so I can see if she gets any more color or development in her comb/waddles.
That is why I sad a American Gamefowl cross. Meaning that she has something else in her.

American Gamefowl is popular breed in there own world and there are a ton of "categories" and strains.

Breed : American Gamefowl
Category : Roundhead
Strain : Sheldon Roundhead, Lacy Roundhead, Boston Roundhead, Allen Roundhead etc.

Breed : American Gamefowl
Category : Dom
Strain : Kentucky Dom, O'Neal Dom, Pittsburg Dom, Giant White Dom etc.

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