Flat black comb,no waddles. What is her breed?


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Mar 23, 2014
South Jersey
Raven is such a sweet young hen. We bought a mixed lot of 13 chicks 6 mos ago and she was included. I am curious if anyone knows what breed or mix she could be. She about the size of my ameraucanas, hasn't showed any red coloring on her face and her earlobes have the slightest sheen of iridescent color when you look at them in the light. The other chicks we got with her are starting to lay. She is not.

Sorry about that. I was so focused on her head I didn't get a good body shot. Of course she kept moving and hiding because her favorite man wasn't there. (She loves my husband!)

Here are some better shots of her black feathers with gold. I hope this helps.
No she is not laying yet. We have a small flock of ameraucanas and a few EE here. She doesn't remind me of their body type. She is small like them but shaped differently. The other breeds we have are wyandotte and an orphington and they are huge. I am looking foreward to her first egg, but not sure when that will happen.
My Wyandottes devloped combs with color before 6 months. I think I got eggs by then too. It was several years ago that we raised them so I don't really remember. I am not familiar with the dominique breed to say how they develope. I am amazed at how flat and dark her comb is now at 6 months.

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