Fleas fleas fleas! Theyre outta control!

I looked up Flea Busters. Sounds good. How do you you use it? In your coop too? Does it kill lice as well as fleas? What about leg mites? It is a Boric acid based product, no mention anywhere of DE, that's why I ask. And it doesn't say you can use it ON animals, only in the house. Or put the nematodes in your yard? I have them in my house, in the yard, but in the coop I have the stupid bird lice. I'm just checking out the alternatives where the birds are concerned.
I got my container out to read the label and it is 64% orthoboric acid and it cannot be used directly on animals. You sprinkle all it over the floors, baseboards, furniture, etc. and sweep up. We literally don't have a problem since using this stuff and we live in the middle of the woods in the south. I hope someone else can advise about what to use on them directly. I am currently reading "Minnie Rose Lovgreen's Recipe for Raising Chickens." Unfortunately she dusted one of her hens with flea powder and it killed the hen's young chicks. (This was decades ago.) I hope you can get a grip on the flea problem!!!
I'll try that stuff before I call the exterminator then! I live in a woody/sandy area and its already hard to keep them under control.
I use 20 mule borax(yes the soap stuff) in side the house. Also outside where the cats hang out. So far no fleas. We have been doing this for 3 years. When I use it on the carpet I sprinkle it on after I vacume and leave it until I run the vac the next time
I give Comfortis every few months and then use Advantage a few months-knock on wood, I havent seen fleas in years!
ETA: I am talking about the dogs-
For the chix: I put sevin dust once in a while and then DE about 3 times a year.
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If you have pets that come inside, use a flea comb (costs only a couple of dollars) to remove fleas from the pet's fur. As you comb thru the animals fur and trap fleas in the comb, dunk the comb into a small bowl of soapy (dish detergent) water. Doing this every evening is the only way I can keep the house relatively flea-free in the summer.
If you have fleas that bad i hate to tell you but DE aint gonna do jack.
Sorry... i dont think the stuff works THAT great at all... i have tried it before..
When you have an infestation its best to use the real deal stuff.. and THEN use the DE as a prevenative...
Just my opinion, as always..
I agree with red, the only real flea control is is aggressive prevention.
I give my dogs Comfortis, have guineas, and use DE and tea tree oil.

The Comfortis is the key, gotta control the hub of the disaster.

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