Fleshy deposits found in nestbox, has my chicken thrown her ovaries?!?

You mentioned having a rooster... is there any way the hen could have been sitting on a fertile egg that somehow went wrong?
Unfortunately the chicken that we suspected produced the mass died in the coop overnight :-(

Thankyou all for your advice. I'm not sure if there would have been anything we could of done.
It is an interesting aspect of chicken health which I and it seems many others havent come across before - I would still very much like to understand how and why this has happened.

Answering the comment about the Rooster, we only just got him - he may of fertilised an egg she has produced, but with the previous 'lashes' I don't beleive that she has been producing any eggs.

I hope this thread helps anyone else that has found a similar mass laid by their chicken.
Thankyou, F.
So sorry to hear this!
Fran, I've been following this thread. Don't know what happened to your chicken but I'm terribly sorry for your loss. You gave her a good life and what more could a chicken want. You tried to find answers and that is worth something.

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