!!! Flock attacked by a dog. Three dead, two VERY injured. Help!!

The dominique actually laid an egg today!!

I sat with her this afternoon and she ate an egg yolk, some mealworms, some crackers, and some chickweed. I also saw her drink water for the first time, and she drank a lot of it. I took her outside so she could get some fresh air and she sat in the grass and ate weeds and really seemed to enjoy being outside. I really think she might pull through!

The faverolle is also eating and drinking well, and I let her roam around outside as well (not with the other hens).

I just wanted to update everyone. I'm so happy the dominique is eating/drinking on her own now. :) She even had a few sips of sweet tea.
It's great to hear good news! Congrats, now you can help others in this forum when it come to serious injuries.

My two girls (Floris & Idabel--just realized I'd never told their names) are doing SO much better. Their wounds are still gross looking--but definitely healing. Idabel (the Dominique) definitely had her leg/foot injured in addition to having the skin torn from her back, BUT, even though she's still hobbling, she's getting around much better. Tonight, she even walked up the porch steps to join me (lately, she's just been sitting in the yard eating weeds, but not moving). She also jumped OFF the porch and mostly landed on her feet, if slightly out of balance. Floris (the faverolle) is doing GREAT. She went over to the side gate this afternoon and all the other hens from my flock came over. Floris visited them through the chain link for a few minutes and seemed happier for it.

Through all of this, Floris & Idabel have become best friends. Since Idabel is in worse shape than Floris, she's not easily able to groom herself. Today, Floris sat down next to Idabel and started lovingly grooming her head and back feathers for her! I got a little teary-eyed..not gonna lie.

They're still spending most of their time in the chicken hospital (the guest bathroom), but I've been letting them out in the front yard for a couple hours a day (with supervision). A friend, who's a vet, came by tonight and told me he thought they were healing nicely, and that he felt Idabel's leg would make a full recovery (not broken--just sprained/inflamed..will probably start her on metacam). Hooray!!

Once the wounds have closed up more, I'm going to build them a little pen in the backyard so that the other hens can get acclimated to them as they continue to heal. Right now, they're still in rough enough shape that they need to stay inside for now. Just wanted to update everyone!

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