Flock Got Killed


Sep 20, 2020
I started with a premade coop that had a 10 x 10 welded wire run all around. I lost one chicken (strangled) and put garden cloth around the base of the coop (no more deaths). This year, I renovated a room in my barn and put my flock in a much larger, 40 x 50 run with a 14 x 20 coop. One night, my wife went out to feed the chickens and all the chickens (including the rooster) were dead. Several were missing their heads. Our best guess is a weasel found a way in, as the only real opening in my coop was about a 2 inch crack at the top of the automatic door. I've ordered a new flock, but want to better predator-proof the coop before my new chickens get here. Any tips or tricks on keeping weasels and foxes out?
The coop has a concrete floor, so we aren’t too worried about digging (also, no indications of digging). I programmed my door to close several hours after sunset. Should I time it to close earlier? I’m worried about my chickens getting locked out.
The coop has a concrete floor, so we aren’t too worried about digging (also, no indications of digging). I programmed my door to close several hours after sunset. Should I time it to close earlier? I’m worried about my chickens getting locked out.
Several hours After sunset?! Hungry nocturnal predators usually come out at dusk. And if chickens aren't inside their coop shortly after sunset, they won't be able to see to get inside anyway. Granted you will need to regularly re-program your door to account for the constantly changing day light, but programming your door to close shortly after the last of daylight fades is very important. Very sorry for your losses.
The coop has a concrete floor, so we aren’t too worried about digging (also, no indications of digging). I programmed my door to close several hours after sunset. Should I time it to close earlier? I’m worried about my chickens getting locked out.
I added a motion light in the coop so if they can see to get inside and go to roost because the coops darker than outside(as the sun starts going down.)It solar powered.
So sorry for you loss. I don't shut my pop doors. The birds aren't subject to getting shut out and I haven't had any encounters with weasels either. I do have electric wires around my coops and pens which the predators are aware of. Once they get zapped they don't try again. I tried motion lights but the predators got used to them. I do have a few motion sensor lights with sirens. When a predator sets them off they don't stick around. Good luck...
I added a motion light in the coop so if they can see to get inside and go to roost because the coops darker than outside(as the sun starts going down.)It solar powered.
I have a light in the coop that's on a timer. My chickens had light from 630A to 8p every day, and the door to the coop was programmed the same way. Mine wasn't solar powered. Might need to add an outdoor light.

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