Flooded, what do we do now

feather and mountain man

Corn fed Indiana farmgirl
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
We are flooded here in our small town. So what did DH and I do????? HMMMM.... Well?????

Can you guess???

Nightcrawler Hunting
We Caught 300+ Huge nightcrawlers saving us hundreds of dollars of money this year. We are hoping they will get us through the entire fishing season.

Plus it was so much fun. When it floods we go down our road where the river comes up over the road and there is corn field on both sides and the nightcrawlers are crawling up on the road to get out of the water and we just walk along the road picking them up. It took us less thay 30 mins to pick them all up.
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With all the rain we have been getting I have been picking up the night crawlers on the driverway and putting them to work in the garden and compost pile. I filled up a big empty tub of cottage cheese in 10 minutes.
I get exciteded when I turn overa board and there is a worm under it. But I do understand having TOO much water. You make lemonade! What else can you do?
I do this at the local arena when it rains... There's 1000's of them on the sidewalks then! Just push them all into a pile with a large squeegee and start filling the 5 gallon bucket!
Last night we put them in an old cooler with garden soil, coffee grounds and leaves. There was one small 1/2 inch chip out of the top of the rim of the cooler and a hand full of worms escaped before we thought to tape it up. We saw the worm tracks on the porch and were looking for the escapies. I found a couple and DH was looking and then I hear a small pop and he said ewww this is not good.
He lifts his foot and there is a squished nightcrawler under his shoes and he was grossed out. I laughed until I cried and asked him if he was a city boy.
Sounds as exciting as Morel Mushroom hunting was yesterday evening! My neighbor found a butter bowl full of worms after our last rain! I plan to head down the road after our next rain!

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