If we give our chickens the wormer in the water do we need to dispose of eggs? If so for how long ?

Most wormers like Wazine have a 2 week withdrawal period for both egg layers and meat birds. I don't worm unless I see evidence of worms. Many people do it on a regular basis. My family as far back as I can remember never wormed their birds. You can take some poop to you local vet to have it tested. I wonder of all of the people who do worm their chickens regularly, how many actually have worms...
We just had one of our very large 10-11 lb buff orpington just die. He had got into a fight with our new rooster(who I got rid of ) his comb was a purple and white and red. But he was still physically acting fine. But when we went into the coop last night he has passed. And I don't know how to look for worms or what to do, and I'm not a pro yet.
We just had one of our very large 10-11 lb buff orpington just die. He had got into a fight with our new rooster(who I got rid of ) his comb was a purple and white and red. But he was still physically acting fine. But when we went into the coop last night he has passed. And I don't know how to look for worms or what to do, and I'm not a pro yet.
Sorry about your loss. I have 4 buff boys that are possibly going to freezer camp. They are still young and not crowing yet. Their father is a big boy. I am thinking about selling all of my BO's. You can take some poop to your vet to have it checked out.

A Buff broody.

This is daddy when he was young.

Some of the Buff girls on the left.

Some buffs and Red Sex Links

These are my young boys.
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Kathy, The boys in the bottom picture the bottom picture are some of the chicks in the top picture. They are 4 months old Monday. They aren't as big as their dad yet. I suspect they will start crowing soon.
thanks, Stan, you too. You over run with birds yet?
Just hatched my first litter last Saturday with another due this week end. BRs haven't started to lay yet, just an odd one every now and then. So I'm still below 100. lol Want a cockerel?? I still have a few of those left from last years breeding. Got too much in them to give them away so I may eat em. See you in a month or so .......stan

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