Hello Fellow Floridians!

I have a broody hen and wouldn't mind hatchling some chicks with my 6 year old girls who help me with the chickens. However, I can't keep the chicks. Anyone want to hatch some chicks the natural way but don't want to do it yourself? I could help you out! I am in the orlando area. Let me know

That sounds great! wish I lived closer
. Hope you find someone, it's a great offer
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I saw a video on youtube by a guy in Australia who mainly posts about gardening, but also does a few on worms, soldier flies, aquaponics, and chickens. (Search for Rob Bob.)

He made a thing for sprouting in the chicken run that I really like and will be doing today. He used stiff, heavy gage fencing to make a large low cage that sits over the sprouting area. The seed grows up through the fence and allows the chickens to graze without scratching and uprooting all the plants. I like this because I found I could not keep up with the damage from just three chickens in my backyard. I still let them out, but just when I can be with them to keep them moving before they dig a hole.

I found termites in a stump yesterday: i washed them out with the hose while the chickens gobbled them up: what fun!
those are forage beds. Lots of pictures here on BYC of various forms of them. Most use wood frames to support the hardware cloth. The chickens can eat only whats above the mesh and not scratch the roots out
Eeeks... my lychees are coming into ripe just now and the chickens are eating the ones they can reach LOL!!!

Then i have issues with squirrels eating the ones at the top.. and they take a bite and throw it down.. Guess who eats those as well..

they are going to get incredibly fat!!
love those chickes but i need them to stop eating my lychee crop..

I need one of those squirrelenators.. and then to top it off the dogs like the lychess as well!!

just needed to get it off my chest!!
Where is Putnam county?  I am in Clay.
I guess you don't want anymore chickens for trade:) :cd :cool:
I have seeds and some plants if I am close enough to trade with you. 

And yes, I am playing with the emoticons, I am easily amused:woot
Well I have a small chicken addiction so if you will take 2-3 and give one I can't justify it. Clay is next to us. Just south on 17
those are forage beds. Lots of pictures here on BYC of various forms of them. Most use wood frames to support the hardware cloth. The chickens can eat only whats above the mesh and not scratch the roots out

Yes, I have seen a couple of framed ones here on BYC, but I think his appealed to me because it did not have a wooden frame...termites and carpenter ants and bees make that a poor choice for me. I kept avoiding it until I saw one just from wire... I also have incredibly poor carpentry skills! Maybe that had more to do with my avoidance than bugs....:lol:

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