I have a Rose Comb Rhode Island White rooster named Lucky. He took a Best of Breed last spring in a show.
This is him younger.
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Wow, beautiful. I never heard of a Rhode Island White, only red. Are those all your chickens in the backround? My Lucky wouldn't make it into a show, he has pretty much permanent bumblefoot. Though, we did make it into a Chicken Rescue calendar once.
Wow, beautiful. I never heard of a Rhode Island White, only red. Are those all your chickens in the backround? My Lucky wouldn't make it into a show, he has pretty much permanent bumblefoot. Though, we did make it into a Chicken Rescue calendar once.
I think it is great you have rescue chickens. I have had some in the past, and yes those are just a few of my chickens in the picture. I have a lot more in other coops and pens. I raise mostly Heritage breeds, Single Comb and Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds and Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites. I have a few others in my mixed pens. In the mixed pens I have some Single Comb Rhode Island Whites, White Leghorns and some Red Sex-Links, but I have been raising chickens for a long time. These are my coops. We started out with the taller coop in the middle and over the years built more coops. I'm a chicken addict.
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Looks like a whole chicken city! Wish I had alot of land. I couldn't sell chickens, I get too attached to them. I actually find roosters to be more interesting then hens but they can be a handful. Even my Lucky was not always a cuddly roo, and I've got the scars to prove it. He was very angry for a time. He grew up in my house and did not like going to the coop. I made some mistakes too, like not giving Lucky a hen right away. Roosters need something to do and of course sex too.

Anyway, I keep trying to win the lottery, then I can have a rooster rescue.
Hello fellow Floridians!  I'm in Central Florida, Babson Park, to be exact, but no one knows where that is.  It's close to Lake Wales between Orlando and Tampa.  

I was browsing through this thread to find members close by, but there are way too many posts.

I am new to chicken keeping.  I got my first 9 chicks in June, and they are now 24 weeks old.  They were supposed to all be pullets, but 7 of them turned out to be roosters.  Today I traded 6 of them for 4 hens.  

Does anyone have some good resources for getting chickens?
there are alot of places around here citrus county. I believe there will be a open just down the road from me it about 4 acres with a mobile home. If you interested I can get more information about it from the owner or pm you the owner's imfo
there are alot of places around here citrus county. I believe there will be a open just down the road from me it about 4 acres with a mobile home. If you interested I can get more information about it from the owner or pm you the owner's imfo
oops I put that in the wrong spot
Looks like a whole chicken city! Wish I had alot of land. I couldn't sell chickens, I get too attached to them. I actually find roosters to be more interesting then hens but they can be a handful. Even my Lucky was not always a cuddly roo, and I've got the scars to prove it. He was very angry for a time. He grew up in my house and did not like going to the coop. I made some mistakes too, like not giving Lucky a hen right away. Roosters need something to do and of course sex too.

Anyway, I keep trying to win the lottery, then I can have a rooster rescue.

I do sell birds occasionally. I hatch my own out and I get way too many. I have had around 400 birds. My husband said if I didn't get rid of some he would. I know I went way overboard. I am now down to around 150 birds maybe a little more. With hatching I get way too many males. I do look for homes for them with people who want them for breeding. Here are some of my other males. My boy that is stretching in the top picture is one that took Champion American at a recent poultry show. I am going to process some of my Red Sex-Link males because they don't breed true.

You can get babies or laying hens from breeders usually in your vicinity. What are you looking for. Are you going to breed? Just post an ad or message on this site for what you want. The only way You will only be able to tell if you have hens if the Lay, LOL, or you DNA them. Hens usually have smaller crowns but that is not always the case. Welcome to our chats. You will enjoy it.
I'm in Plant City, FL and sell roos and hens. Right now I have Phoenix, Buttercups, Golden Penciled Hamburgs and one Andalusian, all hens. I'll have Golden Laced Wyandottes, Black Sex Links, Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, Buff Laced Polish and Golden Polish hens soon. I'm getting ready to hatch some out in the next month or so, so I know I'll have some roos for sale. All of the hens have been vaccinated for Marek's and Coccidiosis and are coming up on laying age. They are $20 each and the price is firm.

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