Hi everyone! I'm looking for some hens I'm in the Tampa area. We're having a rooster to hen ratio issue and are looking to add 4 more hens. So if anyone has idea of any breeders or any has any hens for sale in the Tampa area.
I have an associate in Webster who has some nice Cream Legbars at the point of lay. Not sure of his pricing.
If I would have looked a little more I would have seen what you were looking for, sorry.
no worries! I actually just found Russell's Feed facebook page saying they received Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links, Barred Rocks, and Red Sex Links today. Gonna go check them out. So far we have 3 Leghorn, 1 Bantam, and 2 Rhode Island reds. Since this is our first time in chickenville, i really just want a mice mixture of girls!
no worries! I actually just found [COLOR=333333]Russell's Feed facebook page saying they received [/COLOR][COLOR=141823] Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links, Barred Rocks, and Red Sex Links today. Gonna go check them out. So far we have 3 Leghorn, 1 Bantam, and 2 Rhode Island reds. Since this is our first time in chickenville, i really just want a mice mixture of girls! [/COLOR]
They're nice people at Russell's. They dont have a minimum to buy chicks either. Good luck pickin out babies today.
Not sure if you've already mentioned this, I haven't read too many past posts yet. But, where in Jax is the local hatchery and what breeds do they have? We are in OP and I'm looking for a few replacement babies for the one we just recently lost.
It wasn't a hatchery in Jax, we were picking up shipped chicks from McMurray. I don't know where Orange Park is at but we found a fantastic local hatchery in Newberry. His birds are big and beautiful, they lay well, and he has about 20 breeds available. Along with the chicks we got shipped from McMurray (Columbian Wyandottes, he doesn't have those available), we picked up some Salmon Favorolles and Rhode Island Reds from him yesterday.

So now we have 24 chicks in the brooder, and we should receive our 15 turkeys later this week from McMurray. And 39 is plenty in our one brooder box. We also have 20 muscovies coming, so that's going in our other brooder box.
Chicken math has extended to other poultry too.
It wasn't a hatchery in Jax, we were picking up shipped chicks from McMurray. I don't know where Orange Park is at but we found a fantastic local hatchery in Newberry. His birds are big and beautiful, they lay well, and he has about 20 breeds available. Along with the chicks we got shipped from McMurray (Columbian Wyandottes, he doesn't have those available), we picked up some Salmon Favorolles and Rhode Island Reds from him yesterday.

So now we have 24 chicks in the brooder, and we should receive our 15 turkeys later this week from McMurray. And 39 is plenty in our one brooder box. We also have 20 muscovies coming, so that's going in our other brooder box.
Chicken math has extended to other poultry too.

The hatchery in Newberry you went to, was that DD Chickens and Hatchery? I found their Facebook page, looks like they have some nice birds.
LOL! My husband only wanted 4 chickens, that was 4 weeks ago, we now have 10 and I'm getting a few more today. my kids want ducks. I love it - Chicken math!

That sounds about right.

I, ahem, forgot to mention this is our second brooding for the year.
We have an additional 12 Black Austrolorps, 9 SLW, 9 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Dominiques, 1 BLRW, 1 GLW, and 1 Salmon in our grow out pen in the garage for a total of 37 older birds. They're all between 7 and 9 weeks old, and they're going in an outdoor run with a makeshift coop on Saturday. We bought all the supplies for it on Monday and started painting the posts, now just to get them in the ground and the welded wire strung!

I can't believe that we have 61 chicks... Someone save me.

The hatchery in Newberry you went to, was that DD Chickens and Hatchery? I found their Facebook page, looks like they have some nice birds.

It is. I only wish I had found them sooner. We wouldn't have gotten our Austrolorps from the feed store and we wouldn't have ordered chicks from McMurray at all. He is friendly, knows what he's doing, and is practical. He's not always the best at responding on Facebook or through text messages, but he's very open and will answer any questions you have in person. When we picked out our chicks last night he let us pick three SF pullets and 1 cockerel as it's easy to tell with them after their primaries come in, and he let us pick more "pullet-like" RIRs but it's obviously no guarantee with them as they were only about 2 weeks old. At any rate, we very much plan on going back. Especially in a few months when he has his stock of BLRW, GLW, and Lavendar Ameracaunas (not EE!) built up and is finally selling chicks. :)
Thanks for sharing your experience with them, nice to know there's a good place to pick up birds other than the feed stores.

Our 1st experience with buying chicks came from a lead we got off Craigs List and it was not good. After 4 of the 7 died within 2 weeks, I thought about getting some from our local hardware/feed store but no one there could answer any of the questions I asked (1 guy even tried to tell me I HAD to have a rooster to get eggs). Those poor chicks also had severe cases of pasty butt and when I mentioned that, another clerk just shrugged her shoulders and told me that wasn't a big deal, they all had it (and that was true, they were horribly dirty but no one cared).

So to get our 2nd batch of chicks we went through Murray McMurray like you did. Overall, we've been pleased with our girls but I would still like the experience of seeing them in person and choosing the ones I want.

I'll keep DD Chickens and Hatchery in mind the next time we're on the lookout for chicks. Thank you so much!
I live in Sarasota and was wondering if it's safe to keep my chicks in the garage. I know you need a heat lamp but I just don't want it to be too hot for them.
I live in Sarasota and was wondering if it's safe to keep my chicks in the garage. I know you need a heat lamp but I just don't want it to be too hot for them.
This time of year no problem. I have kept mine in my garage. Right now my incubator and brooder are in the garage with eggs to hatch tomorrow. Here it is warm enough during the day and you can put a heat lamp on for the night.

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