I am in Tampa and looking for some eggs to hatch with the kids looking for silkie,frizzle.quail, tolbunt or showgirls..Please let me know
What do you intend to do with the resulting chicks? I ask because most of those breed's eggs are not inexpensive. If you just want to see them hatch and then give back the chicks, perhaps barnyard mix hatching eggs would be more cost effective for you.
Built my brooder today. Expecting 20 chicks in a week! Can't wait!
Hello Florida chicken people! I recently hatched a clutch of eggs from a mixed group of chickens and the chicks are now 5 weeks old. I need to find some homes for the cockerels. I have one Blue Australorp who is very pretty and one mixed chick that might be a EE /Australorp mix. I have one EE/Silkie mix and a few look to be Black Australorp. I also have one that is all black with black legs and extra toes that may be a pullet.

The Blue Australorp was the cutest chick ever and is going to be very pretty as a Roo. The red fluffball is part silkie, but he looked like an EE when he was little and now he has the fluff of silkie but he has pink legs and a single comb it came from a small green egg and I was hoping for a pullet but I think it's a cockerel, but I may be wrong. I have 6 total to give away and I'm not sure that all of them are cockerels. I would like them to find a forever home and they are all very pretty and would make a great roosters.
I live in Orange County (Central Florida) and if you want to pick up one or two for your flock I will let you have them. PM me or reply if you are interested.
Just wondering if anyone is making there way though Brandon down to Cape Coral areas. Someone has three pullets I would like but due to an illness I can make the drive. If someone is please contact me and I can make arrangements to gt them. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks HennaRose,
He is a nice little guy, I was hoping to give him to a BYC person, but I have a few weeks before he starts crowing.

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