Me too! Totally obsessed with getting more chicks! I think we are getting a mini pig...not that mini...in Feb. what is we? I want some Rhode Island Red and some fancier ones. My daughter wants one in the pic I hope to attach, but I'm thinking more than one rooster may be too many, lol.
that is one good looking rooster!! We had one that I loved!! We named him Diablo because he was so mean!! It wasn't until he bigger that he was a rooster!

I am really excited to see what my new rooster will look like!!
I would do the ride, I'm just not sure of how it is. I don't want to be disappointed if I do the long ride and then not see enough or what I see isn't good. I'll plan it for next month.
Can anyone post pictures of previous events?
I would do the ride, I'm just not sure of how it is. I don't want to be disappointed if I do the long ride and then not see enough or what I see isn't good. I'll plan it for next month.
Can anyone post pictures of previous events?

Not all swaps are the same and since they are outdoor events the weather plays a very important part and some months are better than others. Most of the swaps have regular people that come. If you're close enough to go to Barverville, you shouldn't be disappointed. I haven't been there for quite awhile but it has been a good one. I don't know how far away it is from you. Maybe take a few birds or what have you and look first before you decide.

These are fliers of some of our past events but you never know. Tomorrow is supposed to be chilly so who knows how many people will show up???
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Cmom are you going tomorrow? And if so are you talking any?
Not to the Barbervill swap, but yes I am planning on going over to the Christal River Mall Rural King swap tomorrow but hadn't planned on taking any birds this month. I still have to sort out some of my coops and pens. I started the swap so always go unless there is a show I'm attending on the same weekend as the swaps.
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