Exactly what you have and how much you want for them and your contact information. I have put up signs in our local TSC. We also have monthly Farm Swaps.
Awesome, sounds simple enough! Thanks, cmon.
That looks close in color to my Easter Egger.  She always lays pretty green eggs.  It is fun to find out who is laying which egg.  I would go out in the morning  when they first started laying, to find out who was laying which egg.  It was easy for me, I only have seven hens right now.  I want to get a couple more, soon.
This egg came from with my BO or what I thought was an Austrolorp/black star mix but I've had two people say my pullet looks like an EE. Could it have been from her?
Hi everyone! Ended up with a precious silkie baby (we call her CiCi) whos age is uncertain but well under a month old. She cries and cries- which breaks my heart. Any suggestions as I can't constantly hold her and the other chicks are annoyed. Wish there was a local 'rent a broody'. PS husband lovingly calls her 'Gremlin'and says I can't hold her after midnight. Thanks!
Hi everyone! Ended up with a precious silkie baby (we call her CiCi) whos age is uncertain but well under a month old. She cries and cries- which breaks my heart. Any suggestions as I can't constantly hold her and the other chicks are annoyed. Wish there was a local 'rent a broody'. PS husband lovingly calls her 'Gremlin'and says I can't hold her after midnight. Thanks!
Do you have a small stuffed something she can snuggle with? I have used a terry cloth and wadded it up for a chick to cuddle in and it worked.
Do you have a small stuffed something she can snuggle with? I have used a terry cloth and wadded it up for a chick to cuddle in and it worked.

I have a chick sized crocheted chick and a plush marshmellow Peeps chick in there. Scared she will get stuck and suffocate if I put a big plush which may fall. My next idea is a hamster igloo house, but will she ever come out?? Also debating a stuffed tube sock sewn as a donut. Tried adjusting temps, tried a wash cloth. She eats and drinks well and other chicks are not mean to her despite her bantam size. They just seem annoyed and I feel obligated to give them a break by holding her a few times a day.
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