This is a great thread: nice bunch of people!!
Looks like we'll be getting a Christmas chick! Our Ameracauna hen went broody a few weeks ago, so we let her sit on an assortment of eggs from the layer pen. She did a great job, but then stopped sitting on them two days ago. The eggs went for about a day before we realized she had abandoned them, but rather than give up we brought them in and put them under a heating pad. Now one is peeping and hatching. We're really hoping it's a Turken...we should know by tomorrow.
under a heating pad
and I thought I've heard it all
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Not fancy, but it can work in a pinch!

that's fine but I just would have never thought of using a heating pad, just like the other one I've heard.

I think they put the egg in lock down in their bra and it hatched
and now a H pad​
That's so cool! I'm pretty sure I read here that you cant' incubate with a heating pad so it's good to know you can finish them off with one in a pinch. I've got two broody's and I've been researching what I could do if they quit. So far, I've been leaning towards the toaster oven! They're sticking with it though and Holly may have a chick on Christmas day. She's covering three. Two look weird to me, but what do I know?
One though, I'm pretty sure I hear rustling in.
Have to wait til next week for my other broody, Gracie.

Here's Holly looking a bit peaked here in the home stretch:

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That's so cool! I'm pretty sure I read here that you cant' incubate with a heating pad so it's good to know you can finish them off with one in a pinch. I've got two broody's and I've been researching what I could do if they quit. So far, I've been leaning towards the toaster oven! They're sticking with it though and Holly may have a chick on Christmas day. She's covering three. Two look weird to me, but what do I know?
One though, I'm pretty sure I hear rustling in.
Have to wait til next week for my other broody, Gracie.

Here's Holly looking a bit peaked here in the home stretch:


Awww...broodies always look a bit stressed - as a mom I can relate.

I guess I celebrated our hatch too soon: the egg was chirping, pecking, and moving at 5am, but when I checked at 9 it was still. Although the chick had managed to pip open a great deal of the egg, it was dead when I opened it up. While we'll never know for sure what went wrong, I'm sure the period of less than optimal temperature after the hen abandoned it caused a great deal of stress, and also the head and neck looked a bit misshapen. My teenager had tried to stay up all night with it...so now I have to tell her the outcome when she wakes up. Kind of a bummer.

I still recommend the heating pad in a pinch - just be sure not to over heat, and add a source of humidity if necessary.

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