I'm further south than you, but it's still really cold tonight! Last night too, and it was even windier. I don't like to see my friends shiver, and I sure don't want to lose any, so I have my favorites and the youngest ones in our cozy garage. The bantam cage is built for ventilation, so we bungee corded a tarp all around, and hung a heat lamp inside to make it cozy. Our pen with larger breeds seems to be okay without a heat source or tarp, but I'm keeping a close eye on everybody.

This is the way I've done it for nearly a decade - it's extra work, but we've never had a loss from cold weather.
30 here. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate cold weather.

This is my first year with chickens. Years ago I had geese and ducks and never did anything special for them but they weren't penned up so they could take shelter where ever they felt was best. We put a blanket over my broody/hursery coop and one over the north wall of the real coop and are hoping for the best. I haven't been out yet to check on the wee ones but the adults are all okay.
haven't even checked mine,but good thing is I don't have to go anywhere today
Real cold.

Frozen waterers, frosty lawn. All my birds survived. Took others' advice and didn't do anything special for them, except I did give them extra carbs yesterday in case that would help them through the night. (I know it works for me LOL!!! ) Even my chicks born in November did just fine, including a silkie.

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