Where is everyone this weekend? Had helicopters flying over all morning. Scared the hell out of the horses. They are looking for a 6ft. piece of the wing off the plane. No one has come for the piece on the carport. Lucky its still there after the storm yesterday. It must be heavier than it looks.
And now for something completely different.

Maye you'll be glad to know the chicks have started hatching. First one at noon and another has pipped and starting to zip. They have the prettiest dove eyes. They almost make me melt. I'll post pics when they are done.
Hi All,

Wondering if anyone has any laying hens to sell? My old dog is on a special diet requiring 5-6 eggs per day. I can not afford to buy so many eggs, especially if i want them from a clean source.

I currently have runner ducks who lay well but the yolks are huge and I really have to use mostly whites so it takes more eggs to make her food. My 2 Orp pullets are just starting to lay but they are not regular yet & the eggs are still quite small. I bought 2 ee's not realizing that they were going to be bantam sized & so not really going to contribute to my egg volume much....

So I am looking for pretty much any breed that will lay some nice eggs ASAP. I'd prefer something not too terribly old though.

. What kind of chicks are they?

Where is everyone this weekend?  Had helicopters flying over all morning.  Scared the hell out of the horses.  They are looking for a 6ft. piece of the wing off the plane.  No one has come for the piece on the carport.  Lucky its still there after the storm yesterday.  It must be heavier than it looks. 
                       [COLOR=0000CD]And now for something completely different.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]Maye you'll be glad to know the chicks have started hatching.  First one at noon and another has pipped and starting to zip.  They have the prettiest dove eyes.  They almost make me melt.  I'll post pics when they

are done.    

Hi Ingrid,

Glad to hear that they are hatching. Can't wait to see the photos. If you don' t have them all sold, I want a chanch to buy them back.


They are French Black Copper Maran roo over Welsummer hens. Should make some really dark Terra cota to chocolate color eggs. Some of them have darker specks on eggs.

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I know eggciting! right?

Today I somehow got 7! yes 7!- duck eggs from only 6 hens...how's that possible? My 2 pullets only lay sporadically still & their eggs are brown....very strange. The best part is that they were all in the nest boxes :eek:) Go duckies! They usually want to lay in the mud & dirt. I got a huge bag of golf balls at the Restore the other day...they must be working.

EGGS, we have eggs. First ones for me and for my three - 5 month old red island reds

Maye: The two chicks that hatched are colored like Welsummer chicks. The chipmonk look. One has dove eyes the other has small eyes. Can't wait to see what the rest turn out. I did notice the second to hatch was kind of sticky. I took them and put them in the brooder cause none of the others have pipped yet. This rainy weather has played havoc with my humidity even with the air on. How many do you want?

MyTDogs: I don't have any extra young laying hens most of mine are two years old, but I've got hundreds of eggs. To old to sell but still good to eat. You can have them for free if you want to come get them.
MyTDogs-one of your hens might have laid an egg late yesterday making it seem like you got 7 eggs today.I usually had too many ducks to tell if I ever had that but I see it in chickens commonly.
My son really wants a turkey for a pet. He helps me so much with our routine chicken chores that I'd really like to fulfill his wish. Could we keep just one turkey (along with all the other poultry here) or would it be better to have at least 2? What kinds of turkeys make the best pets? Tom or hen?
And most essential, who has pet-priced poults near western West Palm Beach?

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