Hi. I've been lurking for about 6 months...
I'm in the Melbourne area. I have 6 sex links (3 red, 3 black) an EE, a RIR, and a Dominique. I want to get 6 more Doms early next year.

Any ideas for a good place to get them? I don't think Stan has them, do you Stan? (I'd LOVE to get some of your birds...) I've checked out the Funky Chicken website a couple of times, they are pretty close to my house. What is their "actual" reputation?
I have 2 silkies for sale chicks sex is unknown.
Thanks everybody!

My Dom is a rescue bird, got "run over" by the chicken tractor while it was being moved, so she is off by herself in a rabbit hutch (at night, free range during the day in a fenced garden area) and I'm hoping to get some chicks for her. I don't have/want any roos. My dom is noisy enough without adding roosters. I live in the "country" but close enough to a neighborhood that there would probably be issues. She is a good and steady layer - earns her feed and has shown broody tendencies, so maybe, once I have more experience, I'll try the fertilized egg thing.

I have several roosters and the hens are noisier than the roosters are. They will crow if they see me out for treats to let me know "hey, I'm over here and would like some treats" but for the most part, mind their own business. Once in a while they have crowing contests but for the most part they are pretty quiet. If your Dom is broody maybe a friend that may have some fertile eggs will let you hatch them. I hatch for some friends in my incubator as I have a cabinet incubator and when the chicks hatch I give the chicks to them. I have a broody that just hatched out 9 chicks. It is a very fun adventure. Sometimes when you think they are broody they may not be very serious. I have had some birds I thought were broody and gave them some eggs to hatch and one would roll one egg out of the nest box and sit on it and sometimes they will sit for a few days then abandon the nest. If the broody won't stay off the nest then she is probably pretty serious. My current broody's chicks are just over a week old and I have another serious broody. My egg production is way down right now because most are molting, so I really don't have enough eggs to give the new broody. Good luck and have fun...
I def think we can justify a more 'south' based Florida Swap.  Okeechobee area (or there abouts) would be very central for both west and east cost and more southern based back-yarders.  Who's gonna organise it??? :p

I just looked up Okeechobee, and it is almost 3 hours from me, so that is a bit far. I will be happy to help coordinate one, but a bit closer.
im in ruskin off of college ave soon as u get off the interstate i say the land im on is 3 acres so their is plenty of room and their some trees for shade its really nice.. so ill help if everyone would like to do it here its up to ya'll just let me know..
I have a buff silkie rooster that I'd be willing to trade for a hen. He has been crowing for less than a month. Please let me know if anyone has any interest. Someone told me our Animal Control would take him.

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