FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

Hi Southern Chick
I have one bantum something, an americauna that lays green eggs, 8 beautiful silkie roosters, 3 silkie hens (all white), 9- 3 week old babies 4 are silkies, rest, who knows?, 10 chicks born yesterday, some are americauna, I think 1 silkie and a couple of beautiful black ones. Mama was a wild chicken that was going to be killed because she lived outside a restaurant that had ducks, she "clashed" with the ducks, so we have her in the bathroom looking after these new chicks. Also a population of wild chickens that come and eat at our house and raise their babies here too, probably because i't safer than anywhere else.

How about you?

I have 2 Leghorns, 2 Easter Eggers, and a Black Australorp. They are the egg givers that I have. 3 white silkies, young trio, not laying yet.
Then I have 35 chicks that are 5 week old. That are a heavy breed assortment. I also have Black Giants that I ordered with the assortment. Where are you located?
Hi I'm in Perry Florida just south of Tallahassee I am surprised that there are so many from Florida. We have a small hobby farm with chickens, goats, geese and a horse. Never knew there were so many shows. Micki
I am in central Florida, glad there are others around that are chicken people. I have silkies, showgirls, mille d'uccles, a black rosecomb and a buff laced polish. Hopefully I will have some babies hatch soon !!

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