FLORIDA ANYONE?? Please sign on map!

what about the s. florida fair?
i heard its good!
Greetings all. I live in Venice Florida - just south of Sarasota. My wife and I have had all breeds of chickens and ducks in the past but are just getting started again with a new flock. We have 6 RIR that we got last weekend and are looking for 2 or 3 Buff Orpingtons (or however you spell it). My wife has had health issues for the last couple of years but is now on the mend, so we will be able to start going to fairs, shows and meets again.

Hey rich in venice i decided to get two buff orphingtons and two barred rocks should see them end of feb. cant wait my son is real excited (8yrs old )
Yes, I'm going to the s. florida fair tomorrow. I found a real nice home for my one and only rooster, as we are not supposed to have any poultry here in Pompano Beach, so far,so good though. I have a few hens, and 3 ducks, and no one has said anything, thank god.
I went to the fair last Sunday, it was so much fun. I could just stay in the animal section,and do nothing else really,
. I am hoping to go again next year, but at $15.00 each entrance fee, and we have our kids that want to go along, we have to watch it. One good thing though, I have a free working pass because I'm picking up my buff orpington I purchased last weekend, also dropping of "Cinnamon" our rooster.
I will see you there at the So Fla Fair on Sun, so glad Cinnamon found a good home! I know all the chickens will be glad to be going to their homes tomorrow, to get their toesies back into the good earth.
Tampa Bay here.

Hope BYC members in Fla will get their act together.
Look at Texas! they have lists by county city you name it. Lots of activity and action going there.

Florida is a 4-th most populated State in the Union.
However with poultry activity seems like 46th.


Seriously it's a shame.

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