Florida Right to Farm Law (Edited to add document)

You should be able to find a reference to it on your states website. Up here it's specifically on the legislatures website. I hope you find that you have one, it can be very handy. It's a non issue for me since our farm is almost four hundred acres, but I refer people to it all the time.
Follow the links in paragraph six to other statutes. It looks like you can have a portion of your land classified as agricultural even with a residence on it. You have some reading to do, that's for sure. Hopefully someone from Florida with some experience with this will chime in.
Arrrgh that gave me a headache
From what I could understand...I would have to apply for rezoning to Agricultural first. If thats the case they probally wouldn't grant it.
I haven't read the link you posted but the right to farm laws were put into place to protect existing farming operations from being the target of lawsuits by people who moved to the country and then decided they didn't like the smells, sights and sound that went along with an operating farm or ranch.

The purpose of some state's laws have now changed to include things other than protecting existing farmers and ranchers.

I"m not sure what it would take to get your zoning changed. Usually it's land being taken out of Ag zoning. Here if you want the class changed you have to go before the zoning board and have a certain percent of all adjoining landowners and those within 1000 feet not be in opposition to the change you want.
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