It is already Friday where I am. So happy Fluffy Butt Friday everyone.
Here are the Odd Couple with clean looking fluffy butts.
Poor Mr P, I may as well dye him green or blue. Those darn pullets are vicious, they peck those bleeding feathers of his unmercifully.

Tonight I plucked out a few that were starting to bleed from excess grooming, then I sprayed more green dye on the spot I plucked - poor wee man, he is such a good boy.

Oh and that darn Twister might be a cute little darling but she is vicious also, she grabbed that black necrotic dead tissue scab on his wattle that was torn a couple weeks ago and gave it right evil tug! Ow! Poor Mr P didn’t even peck her back - he just gave her the stink eye. I had to chase her away from him! Poor little man.
Remembrances Continued

Get Off My Lawn

Lilly hated it when other animals invaded her yard. She took great pleasure in running through the doves that would gather under the bird feeders in the backyard and scattering them in all directions. It was hysterical and I wish I had video of her doing it.

Every spring before we pulled the cover off the pool, there were a pair of ducs that used to come and se our pool as a pond. They loved it because there was plenty of food available for them.

Chicken Food!

They were bold enough to go into the chicken run and eat the chickens food right out of their dish.

Lilly hated them.

She would chase them anytime they got out of the pool. She especially disliked the male duck. One time she was able to surprise him and got up onto his back. She rode that duck all the while trying to peck him in the head. I was sure she was going to hurt him when she finally fell off. What a site to behold.

Another time Mr. Duck was getting amorous with Mrs. Duck along side the pool. Lilly saw this about to take place and came sprinting across the yard. Just as Mr. Duck was climbing aboard, Lilly arrived and chested him right into the pool. Knocked him right off her back. Mr. Duck was a mess. He it the water on his side and rolled onto his head. There a was a lot of splashing as he righted himself. Lilly stood on the side of the pool just staring at him. Daring him to come back out.

Lilly also disliked squirrels. She would chase them relentlessly. She also would enroll others into her anti-squirrel campaigns. Her and Phyllis were quite the team. They once cornered a squirrel between the big run and the door. They had herded it across the yard working together and had it trapped. I feared that they might finally kill one. Lilly was pecking it in the head when Mr. Squirrel realized he could climb the door and escape into the run.

The squirrel thought it was safe in the run but Lilly and Phyllis had other ideas. Phyllis went to the big door on the other side of the run while Lilly waited for her to get into place. Once Phyllis was in place they charged in to get the squirrel from two sides. Mr. Squirrel started to panic again and started sprinting about. Luckily for him he was able to get past Phyllis, escape the run and climb the fence to escape the yard.

Not All Beak
I'm not sure that I have been presenting The Iron Beak in the nicest of ways. While Lilly was tough and she loved to chase other animals, including young chickens, she did have a best friend for who she really cared.

For whatever reason, Lilly decided that Sansa was to be her bestie. By the time Sansa arrived, Lilly was not really laying eggs anymore. So when it came time for Sansa to start laying, Lilly searched high and low to find her a good nest location. Here is one example that Lilly really liked in the vines.

These two were inseparable. They spent hours together. They were never far apart. This picture has always represented their friendship to me. Two ladies strolling along as the sun set talking about their days and surly gossiping over the latest nonsense that Phyllis had gotten herself into.


I truly felt for Lilly as Sansa passed first. You see her sadness in her lack of movement and interest in doing chicken things for a days after Sansa passed. I like to think that they are right now strolling along together just like in the picture above.

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