Fly Tying Chickens


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2015
I would like to have some genetic hackle eggs. If you don't know what these are these are special types of chickens that have been specifically bred over a long period of time to create less webbing in the feathers,and longer thinner feathers.
I have fly tie birds- both bantam and standard size. I'm getting 2 eggs per day since 2 out of 4 hens are broody right now. I can try to send pics later if you are interested.
Be very careful if you looking for very good dry fly hackle, many that have "fly tie" chickens don't have real genetic hackle birds. I would be happy to send you feather samples to tie with prior to purchase. I know these are expensive so I want my customers to be happy. You can see from this picture the feathers should be ultra thin, long and virtually web-free. This is a young rooster that has a lot of potential as a breeder.

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