Foamy poop


Aug 15, 2016
Loveland, Colorado
My female Welsh Harlequin was having clear poop with foam in it the other day. I separated her from her sisters and she's been living it up in my kitchen for the past three days. Eating, drinking, and still loving her fresh veggies. She appeared to have gotten weak (would waddle, then lie down every few feet), but not doing that now that she's been quarantined. Have also been letting her swim in a warm bath at night to keep her leg muscles strong. Out of all my duck books, not one discusses clear poop with foam! Been giving her electrolytes and probiotics as well. Am I overreacting? Do they sometimes just get foam in their stool? Wondering if she is safe to go back out with the group or much as she likes being inside, I know she misses her sisters. Here's Rocky saying "hi there humans!" Thanks all!


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Can we plz have some pics of the foamy poop, it may help determine what is up with your duck. I do not have ducks so you may need to wait for someone more experienced to come along and help you
I unfortunately didn't get any photos of the foamy poop. It has since stopped. But it was clear liquid with frothy-like foam(think light foam on a Starbucks coffee).
Yes a pic of her poop will be best @casportpony is our poop expert. Rocky sure is cute. How old is she? And when was the last time she laid?

Rocky is almost two and last laid back in September. She and all my other ducks and chickens stopped laying around that time. She never has had any issues with laying though. And thank you, I rescued her with a broken leg and saved her from getting culled that same day. So glad I took a chance on her!

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