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Right now I can walk down the street, fill out a one page app, wait ten days, then go kill 100 people... in 10 minutes. That sounds to easy to me. Only a criminal background check, that really takes about 30 days to complete, so I get the gun before it is completed. No, check to see if you are currently having a mental/emotional crisis. etc... Again, too easy!!!
It seems easy because you are not a felon or mentally insane! How does a criminal background check take 30 days if you have never committed a crime?
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I haven't read all the posts except for the first and I just wanted to touch on the church allowing guns inside. Not far from where I live a man shot his wife during congregation, he went outside, and people rushed to aid the woman who at this point was still alive. The man later returned to the church and shot his wife again, ending her life. Now, to me, if one citizen had a gun, this could have turned out very differently, but when there is only one gun in a mad person's hands--we are all sitting ducks.
It seems easy because you are not a felon or mentally insane! How does a criminal background check take 30 days if you have never committed a crime?
Ten days is only good for in state checks... It takes longer to check every county, state, and federal database. It is getting better, but we are not there yet... The FBI doesn't even have instant access to all databases... the bureaucracy is standing in the way.
Ten days is only good for in state checks... It takes longer to check every county, state, and federal database. It is getting better, but we are not there yet... The FBI doesn't even have instant access to all databases... the bureaucracy is standing in the way.

All felony convictions are reported to the FBI.

All you say is make it harder to get guns. What are you talking about ?
I haven't read all the posts except for the first and I just wanted to touch on the church allowing guns inside. Not far from where I live a man shot his wife during congregation, he went outside, and people rushed to aid the woman who at this point was still alive. The man later returned to the church and shot his wife again, ending her life. Now, to me, if one citizen had a gun, this could have turned out very differently, but when there is only one gun in a mad person's hands--we are all sitting ducks.
Quack quack you are absolutely right. I want to be able to defend myself as I see fit. When it is you or them I prefer me and will not give up that right easily. There has been 1 in 11 US presidents shot which is a very high rate of death by guns and I never hear outcry for gun bans except for the Brady bill which was not even a ban. It was actually a common sense approach directed at catching criminals.

1. Well then, you've got a healthy audience here, you've got our attention, what are sensible gun laws in your opinion ? Specifics please?

2. Before you answer the way I think you will ..........

Making more hoops for people to jump through, and therefore more fees for people to pay prior to getting a gun legally (if this is what you mean) isn't going to do anything except make it harder on the majority, ie, the Law abiding citizen. The guns that are used in most of these awful killing sprees are used illegally. You say well the guns were owned legally before they were stolen by the criminal. Well, that changes nothing at all. Do you see? If we "make it harder" or more expensive to get a gun in a legal manner, why would that stop a criminal or "a crazy" from wanting to steal it from a legal owner? Why? How? What? It makes no sense at all.
I asked this same question back on page 4 or 5. What are sensible laws that would pass constitutional muster? You must also keep in mind that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to ensure that the "people" would have access to the same level of arms as any oppressor, including but not limited to their own government. Hence 30 round magazines fall into a category of protection under the 2nd amendment.

Background checks? I agree that the NICS system needs to be strengthened and enhanced.
Registration? That will only help when they want to enforce confiscation and will likely not make it through congress
Limit the number of firearms that one can own? Certainly violates "Shall not be infringed"

I am eager to hear ideas that are constitutional.
Why do I need a 30 round clip? Cause that is the standard size an has been for many years. Only the media gets away with calling something that is normal by a special name an the sheep freak out.

I mean my revolver that I carry daily will launch 20 9mm balls before I have to reload. That whole gun is smaller than a standard AR clip. An at the moment just about cheaper cause of demand...
All felony convictions are reported to the FBI.

All you say is make it harder to get guns. What are you talking about ?
You are wrong. All felonies are not reported to the FBI, they are put in a database that the FBI has access to. I know this because I once worked in an HR Department, and part of my job was to send to the FBI for backgrounds on employees in certain jobs. It took about 30 days to get back, and sometimes as long as 90 days.
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