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The only reasons that the U.S. military ever looses any war, since Korea, is because we don't go all out. We could wipe out whole countries if we didn't care about politics and public opinion. I'm not even talking about nuclear weapons. You see I am not anti-gun, I'm anti-idiot...
A background check lasting 10-30 days is a horrible idea for the amount of gun sales we have then. System would not be able to function and still doesn't stop someone from taking someone else's firearm.
Nobody has answered this question, yet.

What regulations or restrictions are you proposing? I would like to discuss specific policies, rather than vague ideas.

1. Well then, you've got a healthy audience here, you've got our attention, what are sensible gun laws in your opinion ? Specifics please?

I asked this same question back on page 4 or 5. What are sensible laws that would pass constitutional muster? You must also keep in mind that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to ensure that the "people" would have access to the same level of arms as any oppressor, including but not limited to their own government. Hence 30 round magazines fall into a category of protection under the 2nd amendment.

Background checks? I agree that the NICS system needs to be strengthened and enhanced.
Registration? That will only help when they want to enforce confiscation and will likely not make it through congress
Limit the number of firearms that one can own? Certainly violates "Shall not be infringed"

I am eager to hear ideas that are constitutional.

Well that's not how it's done now.

But lets say the President put you in charge of coming up ways to keep guns out of the crazies hands. What do you purpose we do ?

So you have no answers just the we need to do something rant ?
Yeah i am pretty sure if a crazy wanted to kill he can probably find a knife, hammer ,axe ,bare hands and what about bomb making material oh and lets dont forget airplanes from flying too i think they kill alot more than guns ever could. You will not stop or slow anyone that has it in their mind to kill only thing you can do is limit what they accomplish.
Yeah i am pretty sure if a crazy wanted to kill he can probably find a knife, hammer ,axe ,bare hands and what about bomb making material oh and lets dont forget airplanes from flying too i think they kill alot more than guns ever could. You will not stop or slow anyone that has it in their mind to kill only thing you can do is limit what they accomplish.
Don't forget cars. Down a very busy times square.
Nobody has answered this question, yet.

What regulations or restrictions are you proposing? I would like to discuss specific policies, rather than vague ideas.

1. Well then, you've got a healthy audience here, you've got our attention, what are sensible gun laws in your opinion ? Specifics please?

I asked this same question back on page 4 or 5. What are sensible laws that would pass constitutional muster? You must also keep in mind that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to ensure that the "people" would have access to the same level of arms as any oppressor, including but not limited to their own government. Hence 30 round magazines fall into a category of protection under the 2nd amendment.

Background checks? I agree that the NICS system needs to be strengthened and enhanced.
Registration? That will only help when they want to enforce confiscation and will likely not make it through congress
Limit the number of firearms that one can own? Certainly violates "Shall not be infringed"

I am eager to hear ideas that are constitutional.

Well that's not how it's done now.

But lets say the President put you in charge of coming up ways to keep guns out of the crazies hands. What do you purpose we do ?

So you have no answers just the we need to do something rant ?

It is not the job of one individual to come up with the answers, but the congress and senate that we elect to do it for us.
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