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Bad people will always find a way. I watched a vid where a guy was stabbing his ex girl with a knife. I think it was in Denmark.No one helped her,but they did take the time to tape it.Probably would have shot her had he bought a gun,but see he still found a way even without a gun!

Drunks with guns,now that one is pretty darn stupid.NRA is just like any other club.Should not blame them for deaths just because they are a gun loving group.Armed guards in every school was just the recommendation.Is it any worse than having kids *hide* in the class?That too is stupid,but it is what is done in every school today,and touted with PRIDE as an awesome safety measure.

Lock the door,pull the curtains,and be REAL quite.That is MY kids school.Lets not tip toe here-If a gunman ever goes to my kids school a lot of kids will die.Do your kids hide too? Security cams? Unarmed parent volunteers at the door? What does YOUR children's school do when they say they have safety procedures in place????

Me, I think having tasers and mace would be helpful.No guarantees,but sure better than rushing a gunman empty handed,or hiding under a table. I even offered to buy some,but gasp the thought of any defense weapons is frowned upon,because afterall it is still a weapon.

A knife,a bomb,a gun.,,,people will find a way.Need to have useful laws,good mental healthcare(lol,like we ever will!),and stop pointing fingers.All this blame game and crazy talk in the end still leaves defenseless kids hiding in classrooms hoping the gunman does not come into their room.Taser.mace,and the training to ACT instead of freeze in fear or disbelief.If you just stand there you make an easy target.

Killers will NEVER disappear even if all the guns do. Forget the NRA. Forget the U.S. gun laws.Me, I am mad at my local schools for not doing anything beyond hiding and calling 911.
Tell that to the dictator Assad in Syria. Remember the little thing called the revolution that happened in these parts a few hundred years ago? A well motivated citizenry can accomplish much.
Nothing that you just said changes anything. They didn't have the tech back then that we have now... Key word: Want
What's that saying? Denial (The Nile) is not just a river in Egypt...
You are wrong. All felonies are not reported to the FBI, they are put in a database that the FBI has access to. I know this because I once worked in an HR Department, and part of my job was to send to the FBI for backgrounds on employees in certain jobs. It took about 30 days to get back, and sometimes as long as 90 days.

that is because, being an HR department, your request was pretty low on the totem pole. Background checks for government agencies take MUCH less time. A check of ACIC (arkansas criminal system) and FCIC (the federal system) can be done in as little as 60 seconds. A full 50 state check takes a bit longer, simply because you have to check each state system individually. Even that can be done in less than a week, again, provided that you are an agency that is going to be given priority.

When he applied for law enforcement, DH had to have a federal and 50 state background check. It took 2 days. Most of that was just waiting for it to be "his" turn to run through the system.
You act like that's a good thing. It is not. There is no "real" good reason for that. Hunters usually only use one bullet at a time. Only killers, and survivalist clowns want more then that... not counting people that use it for "real" security/police/military duties.

everyone only uses one bullet at a time.
And let me tell you, I don't know a single hunter who would venture into the woods with only 1 bullet in his gun. Too many people I know hunt in areas where there are bears, wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, all animals that you don't want to mess with. Having only 1 bullet in your gun would be the same as rubbing yourself in bacon grease and walking into the woods with a stick.

I find it funny, of all of the cops that I've ever met, not one has been in support of tougher gun control. Actually, they all tend to believe that owning a gun should be MANDATORY for everyone as well as training in how to use it correctly.
Nothing that you just said changes anything. They didn't have the tech back then that we have now... Key word: Want

??????? Not sure what your are saying on all counts. Who didn't have the tech? What does that mean? Pretty sure the rebels in Syria have some decent weaponry and will be overthrowing Assad post haste. During the revolution the militia had comparable muskets but a better way to fight which could be concluded as a more technical advantage so tech was a factor.

Winston Churchill once said " A fanatic is one that won't change their mind but won't change the subject"

Concrete and molasses are not the only things that are thick.
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States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.

ok, I will give you a bit of an agreement on this. Yes, they can have fewer gun-related incidents. However, the over-all rate of violent crime INCREASES. There are more muggings, more rapes, more home invasions, more car jackings, etc. Why? because the criminals have nothing to fear. They know that they can do their business and be long gone before the police show up and that the victim will have no means to defend themselves. The average criminal doesn't need to go out and spend $100 for an illegal gun because he can do the same business with a knife. Even criminals have the business sense to know that you don't spend money you don't need to - cuts into the profit margin!

Take Chicago. One of the strictest gun-control cities in America. Also one of the most violent and dangerous cities in America.

I posted the link earlier in this thread. Great Britain has VERY strict gun control laws. You even have to be over 18 to buy a steak knife there! Yet their rate of violent crime is one of the highest in the world.
Because it is their job to keep us safe...they are not denying the problem, nor jumping into a rash plan of action. Smart!
They have a plan of action as evidenced by the president's own words showing that he is very much opposed to private gun ownership. Remember his words about working under the radar on gun control. Then you have Joe Biden who is a noted, and very rabid, anti gun person. This is not a group that is looking at both sides of the issue. If they can get full confiscation, they will.
When he applied for law enforcement, DH had to have a federal and 50 state background check. It took 2 days. Most of that was just waiting for it to be "his" turn to run through the system.
When I went to work for my current employer, I had to have a background check. It took a couple of days and there was a hit. It ended up that there was a court record where someone with the same name as myself had been involved in a crime and I had to supply proof that it was not me. It didn't matter that I never even came to the state until 6 years after the court case, there was just a name match.

On the flip side. I have a type 03 federal firearms license. I also am in the NFA registry because I own silencers. I own quite a few firearms and my NICS check has never had an issue. There are people who do have issues because of name matches or some other issue, but once they get it cleared up they are issued a number that they use for background checks that clears the exception. To get my silencer approvals took several months. Of that several months, less than an hour was for the examiner to verify all my information and run a check. The rest was my paperwork sitting on a desk.

So I can easily pass the harshest background check that the FBI and ATF can offer but have an issue with a modest background check. In the modest background check, they only looked at the states where I've lived. If it was nationwide, I'd be in real trouble. What has to be done is that the NICS system has to be examined and upgraded if necessary to ensure that people with issues that would forbid gun ownership get added.
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