Food Grade DE???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 6, 2009
White City Kentucky
I just bought this bag of DE at my local feed store. The clerk said it is food grade and that he knows people that feed it to their animals, but it looks different from other stuff i have seen on the internet. Is this food grade??


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Yes, amorphous silica is the right stuff.
Crystalline silica is a good insecticide and will keep one's pool clear, but not for use in coops/runs/or up your nose...
I was under the impression that any DE that comes from Perma Guard is food grade and fit for even human consumption.
letsgobucks! :

I was under the impression that any DE that comes from Perma Guard is food grade and fit for even human consumption.

only food grade is safe! It will say it or have organic somewhere on it. I am not sure if they make pool stuff as well.
OP i sprinkle some on my chickens and goats food once a week~​
Thank you everyone for your help.

If you google Food Grade DE you should be able to find many companies that sell it and will ship it but shipping is 25 to 35 dollars depending on where you live. Thats on top of the $30 per 50 lb bag.
Honestly, I was torn on DE (read mixed reviews here) but after a fly invasion - many of them had even migrated into the house - I broke down and ordered some online.

I'm shocked at the absence of flies since I started using it. I've only sprinkled the ground and their coop lightly once and the flies are gone.

Wish I hadn't waited so long.
Yes, I agree that's Food Grade. I think "Fossil Shell Flour" is another term used for Food Grade only.

I love using it, and I gave a friend a "free sample" from my bag, and now he's ordering it to use in his pig pen to control flies.
Yes, that is food grade de-it's the freshwater type. I love DE both for the chickens and myself. I recently had to order another batch of it, I ran out.

I take it myself and can really feel the effects if I don't take it-all my aches and pains come back, my nails split and my hair is not as strong and shiny, nor is my skin as soft! I know it sounds like I'm touting some type of cure-all, but it works for me!

The benefits of using it for the chickens are: very few flies, no smell in the litter and I like that it is a mite/lice deterrent. I dust my coop regularly as well as dust their bathing spots. I love it-I know some people don't and that's okay too! This is just my opinion.

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