Food Taboos?

I USED to eat SPAM. Until I bit into something hard and white. BLECH! and OUCH!

I know what you mean, I can't tell if those are hoofs, fingernails, or what.​
Spam used to be one of our camping meals when we were young. If you slice it thin and fry it really crisp, it's not too bad. Heck, if it hadn't been for Spam, DH and I probably would have starved when we were first married.

Can't do raw oysters. Not even when they're right off the dock and opened right in front of me. No amount of hot sauce (or beer) can make me swallow one of those babies again.
I won't eat commercial veal its criminal what they do to those calves.
I won't eat jello, it wiggles.
I wont eat dog, horse or cat. you don't eat you friends!
I won't eat frogs.
I Won't eat snail
I won't eat rodent, squirrel, rats and such
I won't eat bugs , unless they pi$$ me off, I once ate a beetle that fell in my mess kit,after a very long march.
I have eaten alligator, rabbit,venison and I love lobster, crab, shrimp,clams,muscles, octopus , scallops , darn now I'm hungry
edited to say:
Oh I forgot I don't eat anything with ruffles, (don't ask)
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My parents went camping and bought "Potted Meat Food Product". Food Product??? You can just imagine the ingredient label. I wouldn't touch it. They only tasted one can of it. Another can went to the dog, who ate it. Then she crawled up into my mom's lap... and threw it up!

My husband and I can't get enough sushi
I'd like to try Durian, once. Outdoors, that is.
Okay, I have to ask now...

Like Herrs Potato Chip Ruffles or like Prom Dress Ruffles?

well prom dress ruffles are just,ewwww

and chip and pickle ruffles its just the texture, its weird, I know but been this way since I was little.
And except for dorito's I really don't like chips anyway.
I was just discussing this with my Chinese friend at work. It came up when I told her about the eggs I'm incubating. She said they do this (eating the soft boiled incubated eggs) in the Philippines. Well, I just had to know for sure, so I asked another friend we work with who is from there. Sure enough! He said they're 'ok', but his wife really loves them!

My Chinese friend told me a story about how (as a child) she was very greedy when it came to treats. She had got hold of a jar of dried silk worms and went to town!
:sick:sick She's got all kinds of interesting/crazy stories about her childhood in China.
Chinese culinary delights are up there on the chart of grossness!

We have this noxious mushroom that grows around here its called stinkhorn and also know as Phallus Impudicus. If you can read that you can tell what the namers thought it looked like. Its truly gross, but this too is considered a delicacy in China (I'd be happy to ship 'em mine!) Or try Kimchi - rotten cabbage! yecch!

You really want a gross one look up monkey brain parties - talk about cruelty to animals!!

So my taboo : I won't eat any animal that is alive when I swallow it. No raw fresh oysters, no live anything!

I have eaten a variety of bugs - but mostly by mistake!

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