For sale - AL - 14 mixed "yardbird" eggs, $15 shipped


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Looking to add some fresh blood to your flock? My birds are all heavy breeds (RIR, buff o, Delaware, barred rock, etc) or heavy breed crosses. Our breeds are good for eggs and meat, but none will be purebred. Incubating here, we've had 100% fertility this year so far (6 of 7 hatched in batch #1, batch #2 of 11 is still in the 'bator).

$15 for 14 eggs, including shipping. I will never ship an egg that's over 24 hours old. We get close to 30 eggs a day, so I have plenty at any given time.

I can provide chicken pictures upon request, and if you're interested in getting an unusual chicken, I have both polish and silkie eggs, crossed with large-breed roosters. We've hatched a couple of the polish crosses, and they have tiny little mohawks instead of the full puffy head.

Please PM me or respond here if interested.

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Alrighty, it's getting too late to ship today (post office is closing in about 25 minutes), so if anyone is still interested, I can have up to three of these offers to ship out on Monday.

Thanks for looking!
Ooo, these sound intriguing. I'd be interested in whatever your ladies happened to lay that particular day. Will you take a money order? (I don't do Paypal.)


*sshhh* don't tell my husband that I'm inquiring, I'm not supposed to be hatching any more eggs other than what our birds are producing - but it's such a shame to set up an incubator with only a few eggs when you can fill it up instead! I don't know where those eggs came from, honey, it must have been the egg fairy, wasn't that nice of her to visit?
Sure will, Katie -- I'll send you a PM.

(thanks for the kind words, chickenboy!)
I will have a batch of eggs ready for shipment tomorrow, if anyone wants to add some new blood to their flock. Just PM me if you're interested.
Boy, do I -- we get a little over 2 dozen eggs a day. I can't eat that many!

I've gotten good feedback so far on the fertility from people who had eggs shipped to them --- our roos have been doing a good job, and I guess the post office isn't shaking them too much.

Our eggs are like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates --- you never know what you're going to get (except good layers and good eatin').

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