for your lost ones (chickens and only chickens please)

:) thank you this was a good,(a little different but in a good way) idea
thank you!
now i have one of my own.
my buff orpington.....Lowey sweet, sweet girl.....i was in the coop and i saw a bobcat run up and jump on roosters started gathering the rest of the hens and running with them. it was horrible. i ran, shouting, at the stupid dumb evil will-be killed by ME bobcat, (i WILL find and kill the evil creature. i wish him dead. just like his victim.) and the bobcat ran. Lowey was bouncing up and down on her back, making horrible cries of pain. i was running to her, trying to scoop her into my arms, when she bounced into a thornbush. i was wearing a skirt and a tank top when i dove into the rosebush to save her. i shoved the thorns aside, and carried out Lowey. she was still alive, with her right lung popping out of her. her breathing was quick and short. her head was dangling. i carried her to the house, running at top speed and talking in a rythm, "your still's's ok....please live.....please live...." by the time i was at the house, her breathing had stopped, her heart stopped thumping, and she slipped out of the world. it was (and is) evening, so i decided to rest her in my dad's shed, wrapped in a towel, for the night. and now, i am sobbing, my thorn covered hands killing me as i type.
and yes, this happened today.

i will post pics as soon as i find some.

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