Forage frame?


May 20, 2020
NE Oklahoma
We are building a big, awesome coop and run! I'm so excited to get back into chickens. I've seen wooden frames with 1/2 inch grid wire that allows forage material to grow up through it, but won't allow chickens to completely uproot and kill the plants. The place where we are building the coop actually has some mock strawberries growing there and I can imaging that the girls would love this. I wondered about putting a small frame over these plants so they can be continually available to the the chickens. However, I do worry that the chickens could get their feet caught in this wire and hurt themselves. Is this a safe thing to include in the run? Does anyone have experience with this idea?
The wire can be a hazard, especially if you don't cover the edges.
I rebuilt a couple of mine to have wood over the edges of the wire...and also some larger mesh for larger forage plants to grow thru.
Also found the narrower frames work better, they don't have to walk on them to nosh, and they are easier for me to move around.
Thanks Aart! I tried to search but was using the wrong terms I guess. Our coop + run will be 24 Ft long. Would that be large enough for several of these, in your opinion? I have clovers and the mock strawberries growing within the boundaries. We may let them forage from time to time, but cannot keep them out all day as the dogs would be a problem. we are discussing putting the dogs in a pen for a few hours in the evening so the girls can get out.
Our coop + run will be 24 Ft long.
How wide?
Pics would be most helpful.

Haven't used mine for a couple years,
the deep wood chippings I use for run bedding are not compatible.
@jthornton had a good setup, but not sure if he still does.

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @Lindesu
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Oh, sorry. not enough details. We are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. Mild winters, usually with hot summers. Coop is 8 feet wide. Modeled after Carolina Coops. He's still working on the walls of the run. Should have two more sections of a 6ft to the length.


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Looks plenty big enough for a couple-few frames.
The shade will be good for your birds but maybe not for growing forage.
Try it out<shrugs>got nothing to lose but a bit of time and materials.
I thought I would just cover some of what is growing naturally there. It is in the shade currently. Point taken though, some grains and such may not be a good fit. I think I will give it a try. Just worried about the wire. Thanks for your guidance.
I thought I would just cover some of what is growing naturally there. It is in the shade currently. Point taken though, some grains and such may not be a good fit. I think I will give it a try. Just worried about the wire. Thanks for your guidance.
They can definitely preserve the grass already there....longer with good rainfall and lifting frame to rake out once in while.
I wondered about putting a small frame over these plants so they can be continually available to the the chickens. However, I do worry that the chickens could get their feet caught in this wire and hurt themselves. Is this a safe thing to include in the run? Does anyone have experience with this idea?

After trying several shapes and heights I settled in on 2x6 as the material and made the grass boxes 12" x 24" with a 1x2 cover strip so there is no exposed edges. I sprinkle wheat feed seeds in each box. If too many weeds and other plants take over I just move the box to a new location and let the hens destroy the plot.




The first one I built in 2017 is still in use but the screen has sagged due to the weight of the chickens. It is 2' x 4' and built with 2x4's.

The second style I built is 1' x 4' and actually works well for erosion control and I plan on replacing the 2' x 4' with that style on the sloping part of the chicken yard with some landscape timbers to terrace the ground.

BTW, the grass was 18" tall in the chicken yard when the chicks mowed in...

Coop is 8 feet wide. Modeled after Carolina Coops.

You will find that style of coop difficult to clean and the area under the coop almost impossible to clean. A much better design would be a walk in coop so the height of roost and nest box and easy access for you to clean and to get to sick or injured birds. I would highly recommend no floor in that coop and a full size door.

If I was building that coop I'd put a roost across the back about 14" to 15" from the wall and a poop table about 1' under that about 30" deep. The nest box could be under the poop table or the top of the nest box could be the poop table. Then a layer of Sweet PDZ on the poop table, a kitty litter scoop and clean up is a breeze.


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