Found a peafowl egg; what to do?


9 Years
Mar 24, 2010
Today I found a peafowl egg in my husband's shop. We have several peafowl, but I don't know how old this egg is - from yesterday, last week, or last year. It was not warm, so I know it hasn't been sat on recently. I have a broody chicken I can put this under. Can I float the egg for just a couple seconds to see if it's good that way, or will I drown whatever might be in there? Thanks in advance for your help.
Float test will not hurt them.
Place the egg in a bowl of water deep enough to cover the egg, if it lays flat on the bottom it is fresh, if it kinda floats up on one side it is not worth messing with as far as hatching goes but you could probly eat it and if it floats to the top GENTLY pick it up and get rid of it cause it is a BOMB

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Guess what - it's FRESH! Back under the broody chicken hen it went! Thank you for the helpful advice! :)
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