found one of my young roosters hanging by a foot stuck in his roost. broken/sprained/ dislocated?


9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
Cornish NH
one of my breda fowl got stuck in his coop- the roost has little spaces between the slats (small spaces I have no idea how this happened) and he got his foot stuck in it and when i found him he was hanging upside down! i got him out and he is eating food and water but he is covered in his own poop and his face was hanging in the shavings/poop from the coop ground, and he is using one foot but it is flexed out the wrong way and he isnt using the other leg at all and one of his wings is pointed sideways! I am so sad! i hope he was only there for a few hours but what if it happened yesterday? anyways is there a vet nearby cornish nh who could help? is this going to be hugely expensive? if it is going to cost too much my husband will get mad and say we should just put him down. if i had to guess i would say dislocated leg, sprained wing, and a sprained or broken leg. i can add details if anyone wants i just wrote this quick so i can get advice asap.


Oh how sad. I would say try to keep him comfortable and watch him for a day or two to see if there is any improvement. I might consider putting him down if not better then. He has 3 major injuries, probably was flailing around and did more damage. I would give him a chance, but I wouldn't let him suffer. Try to change your roost so this freak accident doesn't happen to another. Once I found one of my pullets dangling from a metal 2 gallon water handle--she had been there a while and had given up already. Poor birds get in very crazy situations.
ya that is the plan. I checked like 10 vet offices and they all closed at 12 or 12:30 since it is saturday. so he is set up in a little kennel and actually seems to be doing ok considering. I don't have high hopes but I figure I will give him a chance.
and ya - I am ripping apart that roost. It was built by someone who has never owned chickens before so he just built what he thought would work. I saw the gaps but they looked way too small for a foot to slip into, I still can't figure out how it got in there. but regardless it is getting taken out.

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