Fowl Pox?

Looks like my two barred rock hens have fowl pox. My question is, I have 6 two week old chicks in a brooder in my garage. Is there anything I need to do to prevent them from getting it from me handling the big girls and taking care of the babies? Obviously I will wash my hands but do I need to like change my clothes or just not handle them? This is our first year with chickens and very first issue. Here's a pic of one of my girls.
what is this? Is it fowl pox? I have only seen on chick? No other spots just this? No other birds? There is other rooster in thee could it be an injury hens are just starting to submit?
what is this? Is it fowl pox? I have only seen on chick? No other spots just this? No other birds? There is other rooster in thee could it be an injury hens are just starting to submit?
What does the inside onf the mouth look like?

Below are several pictures of growths around the beaks of chickens that may be from a papilloma virus or due to an injury from a sharp object such as a feeder or fencing. The last picture is from a thread where the person reported that it fell off one day on it's own.

Below are several pictures of growths around the beaks of chickens that may be from a papilloma virus or due to an injury from a sharp object such as a feeder or fencing. The last picture is from a thread where the person reported that it fell off one day on it's own.
U know I put the Vetrycyn on this am and this evening it was actually smaller so I think it is an injury? I just got worried cuz lord I can't afford to loose one! I should prob vaccinate? How many ppl here do that? I never did before? And my flock is very isolated? I only had one bout of it before and lost one chick?
Below are several pictures of growths around the beaks of chickens that may be from a papilloma virus or due to an injury from a sharp object such as a feeder or fencing. The last picture is from a thread where the person reported that it fell off one day on it's own.

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