Fox attack

Yep, Just added it to my cart. Should come in around the 22nd. She hasn't really perked up much since the attack though, I'll keep her inside a bit longer, but once she perks up i'll have to find her something to stay in. She'll be ganged up on if i'd put her out with all my other birds if I were to do that.
that would be awful tough on her few days before bring another one out for a day or so with her then put them back together lessen the blow the shock should wear off in the next day or so
Yep, Just added it to my cart. Should come in around the 22nd. She hasn't really perked up much since the attack though, I'll keep her inside a bit longer, but once she perks up i'll have to find her something to stay in. She'll be ganged up on if i'd put her out with all my other birds if I were to do that.
While your at TSC pick up some Nutridrnech and give her some orally.
that would be awful tough on her few days before bring another one out for a day or so with her then put them back together lessen the blow
I've got a few bantams I could throw in with her but i'm not sure if any of my standard chickens would get along with her, She's normally by herself since she's one of the lowest in the pecking order. I'm not even sure if my bantams would get along with her to be honest? I'll give it a go in the morning though and see how she does..

While your at TSC pick up some Nutridrnech and give her some orally.
I've gotta go out and pick-up some more cow feed anyways. So if she still isn't doing well in the morning then i'll get some nutridrench as well.
All of my birds are free ranged as well, She's currently resting in my bathtub in a box with shaving in it, I gave her some sugar water and some scrambled eggs, She ate the eggs but still refuses to drink, I did try the dropper thing and it did work for a little bit.. Vet isn't an option though, If worse case i'll just put her down. I'll try wrapping her up in a towel..

Thanks.. :hugs She's in my bathroom with the lights off right now and I tried giving her some sugar water, Surprisingly I don't have any electrolytes! :he i'll have to go by tractor supply and pick some more up.. Fingers crossed she pulls through~

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