Fox breed RP II (Arctic foxes, American red foxes, fennec foxes, gray foxes, corsac foxes, and more!

"Oh, I don't want to be the cause if any trouble. I'm fine where I'm at. I don't need to cross over. It was just a thought of fancy. Well, thanks for taking to me at least. Your a very nice fox Iska. You are a beautiful fox inside and out. What a pleasure it was to meet you." Andorra said as she started backing up a little bit and sat down. So she didn't crowd her. "So your father let you explore for the first time. That's good, have you met many foxes around here? She said to make conversation.

"It wouldn't cause me much trouble, but I'm afraid my father isn't too talkative. And thank you, same to you." She said nicely. "I haven't seen any foxes, besides you. I really haven't left my father's territory all my life, so I never knew anyone." Iska said.
"It wouldn't cause me much trouble, but I'm afraid my father isn't too talkative. And thank you, same to you." She said nicely. "I haven't seen any foxes, besides you. I really haven't left my father's territory all my life, so I never knew anyone." Iska said.

"Well, thank you! You are most kind. I'm happy to be your first fox, then. My friend, if she ever comes back, is Arran, she's a coyote." Andorra smiled at Iska. Then she shook her head. "But that is a story for another day." She giggled softly.
Castiel released Alpine and stepped back slowly. He was ready for anything the young fox might try. Castiel watched him coldly, his muscles were tense with readiness. "There are plenty of other vixens in the forest. Your mistake, was wanting Astral." He said in a dark voice.

Alpine flattened his ears, what a horrible idea. He looked at Castiel then darted off, he was right
"Well, thank you! You are most kind. I'm happy to be your first fox, then. My friend, if she ever comes back, is Arran, she's a coyote." Andorra smiled at Iska. Then she shook her head. "But that is a story for another day." She giggled softly.

Iska smiled. "I'm glad I met you, you are nice." Iska said happily.
Castiel watched and waited until Alpine was out of sight before he let his guard down. He whimpered as he lifted his hurt paw and limped to the stream. He groaned out in pain, as he lowered it in the cool water. He looked down at the damage as the water washed the blood away.

Astral flattened her ears and whimpered, as if she knew how he felt. She sat next to him and began licking his ears

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