Foxes hunting during day?


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
All of my neighbors are very excited about the new chickens. They always ask about them and ask if we have any eggs yet :)

So I wasn't surprised that they all made it a point to let me know that they have been seeing a fox around the neighborhood. Have you guys had issues with foxes attacking your flocks? I've read that they will hunt during the day, but that they mostly hunt smaller rodents. The chickens are locked up tight at dusk...I just don't know if I should be worried about them during the day.
This time of year fox are busily feeding/teaching half grown kits. Be vigilant they will kill your chickens given the chance. Beware of any fox indicating unusual lack of fear as this may be an indicator of rabies.
I see foxes at all hours of the day around me,Last year I had 7 different ones hanging around my Place. Since I have added two Dog's I have not seen any near my place, the closest I saw one was on a rock wall between My wood line and my fields about a half mile back from where my coop is and that was back in Feb. I know there still around but they aren't as brave as they used to be and if one gets to close he'll be dealt with.
my foxes attempt to visit around the clock year round. out of dog's reach they pretty brazen. they do normally consume mostly rodents but they are opportunists in respect to poultry.
I lost 3 to foxes this week. My trail cam shows them visiting around the clock.
I thought my birds were safe this time, but the youngsters (10 weeks old) got scared, and flew up and out of their electrified enclosure. Then a latch got left open on another run yesterday and I lost two of my favorites. (2 others, who were missing, came back home with some wounds and missing feathers, but they will live...)
If anyone has a solution for foxes, I'm all ears....
Pretty simple if you have a fox Problem you either Trap your self or have someone do it, Hunt them or keep you chickens in a prison.

And of course a Dog, the best dog is a dog that has been bred to do this but I don't see them as dog's just for anybody there not family dog's they are work dog's.
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Pretty simple if you have a fox Problem you either Trap your self or have someone do it, Hunt them or keep you chickens in a prison.

And of course a Dog, the best dog is a dog that has been bred to do this but I don't see them as dog's just for anybody there not family dog's they are work dog's.
I have foxes. My neighbor has fox problems because he puts effort into shooting or trapping foxes first. He also is more into containment of flock using electrified fencing and lockdown at night. Chickens do not always cooperate with containment measures making them easy pickings for foxes. Fox has to go past my free-range chickens to get to neighbors on most days. Dog instructs fox to by-pass my flock which then goes visits the neighbors flock.
I lost ten to a fox a few days ago. It was evening, but the sun was still fairly high in the sky. They're definitely not afraid to come out in the day, and kill enough for dinner for few weeks.

I'm looking to buy an electric netting setup, with the chickens locked up every evening. Does anybody have experience with this type system consistently working? Will / can foxes jump over or somehow climb under?

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