FREE chicken coop plan (nice one too) on the Purina Mills Website

I tried the links and t took me right to the website but I did not find any chicken coop plans
... maybe I was looking at the wrong things,
ill keep trying!!!

This is a really old thread. They may have removed it from the website.
I'll look I printed it out from somewhere and bought plans close. There is a problem with the plans in that the top of the coop needs racing not in either set of plans. It is all flmsy without the top brace. I did recently build this with some modifications on location of nest, door, etc.
I used the plans that were available on the Purina website. Yes it was 4 years ago and I'm sure finding the plans might be tough.

Its basically a 4 X 4 X 4 box with a roof. I did not stay with the plan past that point. I highly modified the plan to fit my needs, including making the entire side a door for easy cleaning, added more vents under the roof and built a poop deck inside to keep the bedding semi clean. Very easy to use and clean! Being built about 2 feet up, allows for the girls to hang when it rains and it also allowed me to hang a feeder that stays dry and holds 7 pounds of food.

And the wood was free too. I simply asked my neighbors for scraps wood they wanted to get rid of, in exchange for eggs!!
I'll look I printed it out from somewhere and bought plans close. There is a problem with the plans in that the top of the coop needs bracing not in either set of plans. It is all flimsy without the top brace. I did recently build this with some modifications on location of nest, door, etc.

ones I bought:

free purina plans:

That's great that you added those links! I found this thread when I was searching for plans to build mine, and when I found that the links didn't work, I didn't go on to the rest of the pages of the thread. That was a mistake. I should have done it, at least for the photos. But I wasn't good at navigating the forum then. I have learned that clicking on the photo gallery view of long threads is a huge time saver!

What I did build, ended up looking very much like this Purina design! I started with the free plans on this site, and then made a ton of modifications. It would have been so much easier to use your plan.

Actually, in the end, the only thing I kept the same from the Barngeek plans was the basic legs and framing, and the window shutter idea. Everything else I changed.

I even used an alternate nest box, from these free plans, and I like how the front hinges down, instead of the lid hinging up:

I hope gathering these other links here helps someone else who is searching for free on line plans. I remember searching was SO tedious.
Hmm, I just tried all four of these links, and they all work. Sometimes I've found on this forum that a link won't open when you click on it, but if you right click, and then select "open", it will work. But occasionally they don't work one time, and then later they do. Maybe if you try them again, they will work.

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