Free MM chick - Silver Spangled Hamburg?


15 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Fitzwilliam NH
I'm making the guess that this little guy is a Silver Spangled Hamburg. Am I correct? He/she is smaller and thinner than my Wyandotte chicks.


Thanks for any insights!
I agree, also think it is an Silver Spangled Hamburg.

Sorry to hear about yours dying Summerb76. I got two from MM on the 16th and so far both are doing ok. Out of the 14 kinds I got, they were the 2nd smallest (and they are still pretty small). The smallest I got was a WC Polish.

Within a few days, my Silver Hamburgs started growing some wing feathers so it should not take you long to know for sure.
Here is a pic at 1 day old:

Here is pic a pic at 5 days old:
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Yep Probably definitely a Silver Spangled. Though from the pics it seems that a lighter coloring is more common than the yellower coloring in the pic I sent you from MM.
Thanks guys! Sorry to hear about your little ones Summer! My little guy has begun to get black and white feathers on his wings. I am just assuming that it's a he since that's what the free chicks usually are.
It's definitely a silver-spangled hamburg, and don't give up on its being a pullet. My free rare and exotic was the white polish pullet in my avatar.
Cool, I will keep my fingers crossed for a pullet! Whatever sex it is, it sure is cute and very bold for it's size compared to the other chicks, lol.
I concur. He/she looks just like my 4 SSH's. They will stay on the light body type and have flighty dispositions as a rule. Don't expect a lap chicken out of that one. My four are teaching all kinds of bad manners to my Light Brahma and Partridge cochin chicks of the same age. I think it was the little roo who planned how to take down the brooder wall . . .

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