free or sell them?


11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
What do y'all do with your extra layer roosters?

This year between a variety of events I ended up with a small assortment of layer roosters than I just don't need. It's not worth it to even try to eat them (I have 44 Freedom Rangers for meat).

Should I just list them for free on Freecycle/ Craigs List or should I try to put a price on them? Are they worth anything?

One is a very pretty RIR rooster than I hatched, I have his Daddy and he's a nice bird. I have 3 Black Sex Link roos, figure they aren't worth anything since they won't breed true.

Then I have Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, a hatchery RIR, Ameracauna and something I have yet to identify!!!

Yes, I have *way* too many young roosters, and since I have eggs in the 'bator and newly hatched chicks I'm sure I'll have still MORE roosters on the way. Ack! Too bad they can't all just be pullets.

We are going to be eating them. I tried giving them away, no one wanted them. I may try and keep either a sussex or ba roo, they seem very sweet so far.
I wish you lived close to me, I NEED more roosters!! I can never get enough roosters, I am working on dividing off a special place for roosters, Ive done this befor, and had 23 roosters in a pen together, and as long as they couldnt see the hens, they didnt fight.
i sell mine at my feed store. depending on the breed, look and age, i get anywhere from $5 to $20 for my roos. $5 is half a bag a feed, anything helps these days.
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I would try to sale them first. If you don't sale them after awhile and really have to get rid of them that's when I would make them free.
If you have a feed store or someplace you can set up,I's try to sell them. You can always give them away or eat them if that doesn't work. Even a few $$ will help.

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