Free Phoenix Cockerl. LF 8 months- Georgia/Chattanooga TN area

I'm driving from Texas to Kentucky to get my daughter & grandson on the 2nd of March. Would you be willing to meet me in Memphis or Nashville, Tenn? Or do you ship? I will pay for All shipping & handling cost, including packaging!
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I'm driving from Texas to Kentucky to get my daughter & grandson on the 2nd of March. Would you be willing to meet me in Memphis or Nashville, Tenn? Or do you ship? I will pay for All shipping & handling cost, including packaging!

I have a couple that said they wanted him- but I can let you know if they don't get him for some reason..(I can't figure out where my ad is to take it off?) I've never shipped anything alive before, but I'm sure I can find out how. Sorry the ad is still up :(
Split color chickens carries 2 color genes. One gene is more dominant than the other. If your hatching, you could end up with both colors in your flock. (Blue and/or lavender)

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