Free Special Needs Easter Egger Laying Hen- Triad, NC


8 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Hi, I have a very sweet and beautiful little EE hen named Pamela due to her large... assets! She is about 9 months old. She has what i believe to be pendulous crop and is having a really hard time managing it on her own. While I like her, I have too many other chickens to be able to spend the time and effort on managing this. I also can not keep her separate from the rest of my hatching egg layers and don't want to hatch one of her eggs. She would do great with someone who has the time to help manage it and would be ideal with a small flock for eating eggs only, probably NOT free-ranging in order to help minimize her difficulties. If she is not rehomed soon, unfortunately I will have to cull her, as I don't want to see her suffer due to this. Please help me find this sweetie a home!

I am north of Greensboro and will not ship her.
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Read " Eleanor's story" it might have your solution. She just needs a crop bra. Good luck.

Hi Andy, thanks for the suggestion! I think that would work great, but my concern is that I don't know which eggs she lays and don't have the means to keep her separate from my other layers. I'm concerned about passing her genes on in my hatching eggs. (I hope that makes sense!) As sad as it is to me, I would rather cull her than perpetuate the problem in her offspring, as pendulous crop is believed to have a genetic component. If anyone is interested in keeping her for eating eggs only, a crop bra would be a great plan!

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