freezing eggs


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
lately I've throwing my frozen eggs away hard as a rock, someone told
to just thaw them out and there good as new .....any truth to that?
I throw away my frozen eggs. I'm trying to get them sooner so they don't freeze, but sometimes you're not always there to grab them right away. I don't worry about it either. Sometimes it sucks because you don't get very many eggs in winter.
Lol, I found this in my nesting box a couple days ago, she stepped on it and it promptly froze in the nesting box to be found later by me-
People do use frozen eggs. In fact some folks freeze on purpose to store. Probably kills a lot of bacteria too. No problem cooking them and giving to your birds, they love it.
lately I've throwing my frozen eggs away hard as a rock, someone told
to just thaw them out and there good as new .....any truth to that?
can they be thawed/cooked and fed back to the hens?

A lot of unspoiled food we won't eat is relished by chickens. Collect your frozen eggs in a 1 gallon zip lock in the freezer. When it's full boil them up, crush shell and all and feed back to them.

A frozen egg with a cracked shell usually has the contents on the outside exposed to poo and who knows what. Can anyone say Salmonella.

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