freezing eggs???

Here's a good thread on hard boiled eggs:

You can freeze hard boiled eggs for up to year, I heard. Maybe they'll peel easier then?
I remember reading somewhere that you should freeze the egg yolk and whites separately.

If they are to be used for baking to add a bit of sugar, if they are to be used for something savoury then to add a bit of salt.
This stops the egg whites or yolks from becoming grainy when thawed.
LOL @ Sumi! I have found eggs to get quite rubbery when frozen, and the shells do crack. I have a heat lamp in my coop in a feeble attempt to keep the coop above freezing & collect a few times a day. I never knew you could intentionally freeze eggs. Maybe if scrambled? Definitely feed your broken, frozen, compost eggs back to the chickens! My whole coop goes into frenzy over all treats, but the eggs are really good for them. Now what about boiling eggs? Probably a thread for that... But I've tried everything and still have badly peeled eggs!

I have never tried to freeze eggs but as with cooking eggs in the microwave I have heard you break the yolk (you don't necessarily have to scramble the egg but at least break it and make sure it runs some like a soft poached/fried egg to soak into toast) egg beaters (and other brands of the same stuff) are egg whites (they claim 99. something pure egg with coloring added to make yellow and possibly chemicals for stabilization and flavoring), and that stuff comes to and from the stores both frozen and fresh.
"Egg Beaters" is a dirty word around here. Lol JK

But on a more serious note, thank you all for sharing helpful tips and advice on the freezing of eggs. This is a subject which I, too have wondered about. Thank you!

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